The Tiger’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
8 February 1902 to 28 January 1903 / Water
26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915 / Wood
13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927 / Fire
31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939 / Earth
17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951 / Metal
5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963 / Water
23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975 / Wood
9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987 / Fire
28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999 / Earth
14 February 2010 – 2 February 2011 / Metal
1 February 2022 – 21 January 2023 / Water
Within the Chinese astrology, the Tiger is the third sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Tiger is parallel to that of Aquarius.
The Tiger sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.
It rules 1 month in the season of Winter, 21 January to 19 February, and 2 segments of the day, 3AM to 5AM.
People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Tiger sign as their ascendant.
Its direction is the East-Northeast and fixed element is Wood.
The Personality of the Tiger
Across cultures, the Tiger is the symbol for power, passion and courage. Known to be natural leaders, the Tiger is a commanding individual who holds the respect of everyone. The Tiger is both fearless and fearsome, and a fiery fighter against the three main household dangers of fire, thieves and ghosts.
Thus to have a Tiger in your midst is a fortunate occurrence, provided you are prepared for the restless and dynamic nature of such a person. Tigers are known to be adaptable and impulsive, which together with their rebellious and unpredictable nature, make them always ready for action.
Leaders in their field, Tigers can sometimes be stubborn and obstinate, and have a tendency to rebel, especially against any form of petty authority. They are known to be open and honest, and hold a strong dislike for hypocrisy or bureaucracy. They are blunt and direct, especially when they are upset – they have no qualms about speaking their mind, a quality that can sometimes lead a Tiger into a conflict with others. A Tiger is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what they believe is right; as with everything they do, a Tiger will commit themselves whole-heartedly to their endeavours.
Their forthrightness can resemble quick-temperedness, but it also means the Tiger is very sincere. Known to be affectionate and generous, Tigers have humanitarian instincts. Their firm views, and strong sense of right and wrong leads them to protect and defend the powerless and weak. Thus Tigers make excellent mothers – their independent nature means their children are given the freedom to explore, whilst their protective and teaching nature means their children will be well brought up and want for nothing.
In fact, children love the expressive Tiger because they are very generous with their emotions and gifts. However, those under a Tiger’s charge are somehow never spoiled – as equally quick as they are to enforce the rules, Tigers are also equally quick to reward good behaviour, especially when children mind their manners.
Their vivacious nature is contagious, as is their love of life. Indifference is not known to the Tiger’s vocabulary, and the passionate Tiger will arouse every sort of emotion in a person. With this passion, they leap at any challenge, and will rise to the top of any role they are given. Self-confident and independent, Tigers like to be responsible for no one but themselves, and prefer to attribute their achievements as being a result of their own efforts – they will avoid asking for help if at all possible.
Being independent and adventurous, Tigers rarely stay in the same place for long. In their more free-spirited young lives, a Tiger will be perfectly happy living on a shoestring budget, trying their hand at several different jobs in the pursuance of their interests and passion. Their impulsive nature sometimes leads them to make decisions they later regret, and if a Tiger were to think things through, they would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success. However, the Tiger is usually fortunate in their enterprises, and so their trust in their own luck and charisma drives them towards success.
With their energy and enthusiasm to succeed, a Tiger is not bound by the societal dictates – they will use any means necessary, even if it means an open rebellion against authority or what is considered conventional behaviour. They are alert and quick-witted, and highly original thinkers ever-ready to scheme new methods of achieving their goals. Despite their flouting of the rules, their audacity inspires awe, and onlookers often find themselves erring on the side of the Tiger, silently cheering them on and celebrating in their success.
When things do not work out as hoped, Tigers have a tendency to withdraw and suffer from bouts of depression which take time to recover from – their lives are full of ups and downs, but Tigers never stay down for long. During those down periods, a dejected Tiger needs sincere sympathy. In such cases, attempts to convince them about the rights and wrongs of their situation will not succeed. Instead, the focus should be on comforting the Tiger – if the roles were reverse, the warm and sensitive Tiger would not hesitate to give you unrelenting care twice as much as you are capable of providing.
The Tiger will appreciate words of advice and wisdom but will not necessarily follow them. Do no take it personally because this is simply the Tiger’s nature. In their periods of down, a Tiger needs someone to lend an ear while they talk themselves out of their dejected state. However, with their never-say-die attitude, Tigers do not stay down for long. Once they bounce back, a Tiger will thank you sincerely and generously for your help, and then probably do the one thing they had intended to do in the first place.
Possessing a sizeable ego, a Tiger is sensitive to criticism. A hurt Tiger is not to be crossed - money, power and fame mean nothing to a Tiger who is bent on revenge and will not hesitate to take on any enemy. It is this rashness that present one of the main shortcomings to a Tiger’s life. The ironic thing is that despite the Tiger’s self-confidence, they can sometimes be indecisive. Combined with the Tiger’s rashness, it means the Tiger appears impulsive, often making major decisions at the very last minute.
Captivating and expressive, Tigers hate being ignored and love being in the centre of attention. Together with their brilliant sense of humour, the lively and witty Tiger makes an excellent host at parties. With their persuasive speech, they are known for their ability to sway a crowd. They take great care over their appearance and reputation, carrying themselves with an air of dignity and authority. Do not be fooled however, by a Tiger’s articulate and disarming appearance – they may be keeping their claws hidden for the perfect time to pounce.
Given their bountiful energy, a Tiger is best in their youth when they are absorbed by their pursuit of their dreams. However, this is a time when they should learn to control their emotions, which they are prone to expressing quite explosively. Doing so will bolster their chances of later success, when level-headedness will help them to make more rational decisions. In their old age, a Tiger can enjoy life undisturbed, provided they learn to relax, and give up their regrets about what they have or have not accomplished.
Five Different Types of the Tiger
Metal Tiger (1950, 2010) - Tigers with the Metal element are assertive, active and very outgoing – they are definitely not the laidback type! Although their restless nature means their ambitions will change from time to time, competitive Metal Tigers are ambitious and will work untiringly until they have achieved their goals. They have a tendency however, to be impatient and with their overoptimistic nature, often expect too many results too soon. This leads them to become irritated when things do not work out the way they hoped.
Still, they meet with their problems in a very direct fashion and Metal Tigers will not hesitate to step on a few toes in the pursuit of their goals. Their independence means Metal Tigers do not respond well to authority, or attempts to curb his freedom and methods.
Water Tiger (1902, 1962) - As flexible as their element, Water Tigers are known for their versatility and eagerness to explore new ideas. Open-minded Water Tigers have a gift for seeing things objectively, an ability which makes them an excellent judge of the truth and or others’ feelings. Being highly perceptive, Water Tigers excel in public relations roles and other media work, especially because of their persuasive speech and ability to view the situation from different perspectives.
Able to remain calm in a crisis, the Water Tiger is prone to bouts of indecisiveness, much like all other Tigers. Despite this, they are still less temperamental than other Tigers, being able to control their emotions more effectively and focus on endeavours requiring long-term concentration.
Wood Tiger (1914, 1974) - The tolerant Wood Tigers are less independent than some other types of Tigers, preferring democracy and understanding the importance of working in teams. Being charming and affable, and being as persuasive as they are, Wood Tigers have no problems enlisting groups of friends and supporters to help them in their cause. Thus, in the corporate world, Wood Tigers find themselves in their element because they are adept in delegating tasks and skillfully encouraging others to do their best, while ensuring minimum responsibility for themselves.
It is a good thing that Wood Tigers take their leisure time seriously, because it helps them to handle their busy social life. However, with their large circle of friends and lack of self-discipline, Wood Tigers have a tendency to become distracted easily. As a result, may not be as thorough when it comes to resolving issues. Able to evaluate situations in a more practical manner than other Tigers, they make excellent negotiators because they are less combative compared to other Tigers.
Fire Tiger (1926, 1986) - Like the boundless energy of their element, Fire Tigers are enthusiastic about everything they set out to do – their element makes them even more expressive than they already are. In fact, Fire Tigers can find it difficult to contain their readiness for action. They will throw themselves into anything that catches their imagination, and are always on the lookout for new experiences and thrills. As a result, Fire Tigers are transient by nature, and never in one place for long.
Cherishing independence and unbound by convention, their next move is much like their element: unpredictable. What onlookers can be sure of however, is that whatever a Fire Tiger does will be dramatic and influential – behind a Fire Tiger’s theatrical behaviour lies more leadership qualities than that of other Tigers. Able to communicate their ideas and enthusiasm to others, the outspoken Fire Tiger never fails to impress people, or influence them to support their next endeavor. Fire Tigers are also optimists and no matter how foolhardy the scheme, telling them so will have no effect. Such feedback will be taken personally, a trait that send Fire Tigers into a depressive mood that fortunately, does not remain for long.
Earth Tiger (1938, 1998) - Steady and responsible, Earth Tigers possess a quieter and more level-headed nature. Their emotions are less likely to cloud their judgments since study everything objectively and try to be fair in all of their undertakings. As compared to other types of Tigers, Earth Tigers are more likely to be realistic. This sense of practicality means Tigers of this element will form relationships on the basis of usefulness. Earth Tigers however, can become so involved in their activities that they fail to take into account others’ feedback, and are not able to relate to anything beyond the boundaries of their personal concerns. Despite their relative lack of impulsiveness as when compared to other types of Tigers, Earth Tigers have no trouble with relationships and will have a large circle of loyal friends.
This Tiger will be more likely to be reasonable, mature and sensible, with the Earth element tempering the Tiger’s otherwise passionate concern for their image and reputation. Earth Tigers are therefore more risk averse than what they let others believe. Their Earth element is also useful for steadying this type of Tiger towards a longer attention span, so they are more able to work on specific tasks with a greater level of diligence and objectivity as compared to other Tigers. This is further encouraged by the Tiger’s native desire for status and recognition as a result of their own hard work.
Seasons of the Tiger
Already playful and optimistic by nature, being born in the Spring makes these Tigers even more so. Spring Tigers are the most noble and daring, and will disregard any risks to single-mindedly pursue their goals. Not one for compromise, these Tigers are not shy about getting what they want. They are gifted with an intellect that is matched only by their endurance and love of competition. Being strong-willed, the Spring-born Tiger finds it difficult to match their goals with society’s demands, and learn how to take No for an answer. For those who know such a Tiger, they can never remain neutral about such a character. Being nocturnal by nature, those Tigers born in the night will be more active than their quieter day-born compatriots.
Summer-born Tigers are known to be alert and thoughtful, positive traits which can sometimes be marred by their indecisiveness and sudden decision-making. It is these characteristics that make the Summer-born Tiger a formidable and unpredictable opponent. However, they are alert because they survive on their ability to outsmart their opposition. Generous and helpful, a Summer-born Tiger is also loyal to his loved ones and can be relied on for protection. A typical Summer Tiger trait is their ability to lead a crowd, and their desire for attention – although cherishing their freedom, a Summer Tiger will seize any opportunity to be in the limelight.
Naturally wary of anything they do not like, Tigers born in Autumn are characterised by their heightened sense of suspicion about situations and people’s motives. They have strong opinions and little patience, and have a firm understanding of their own inner strength – these traits are necessary for the Autumn-born Tiger’s survival as self-reliant individuals who prefer not to depend on others. Although careful and studious, these Tigers appreciate beauty, are aware of the latest trends and are avid supporters of the arts. To capitalise on their leadership qualities, they sometimes need followers to bring out the best in them. It is therefore fortuitous for Autumn-born Tigers that they know how to persuade others to support their ideas, and to shine the spotlight on their work.
Of the four seasons, those born in the winter months are the most sensible and secure. With a more pragmatic take on life, they are naturally less rebellious than their counterparts – the subdued season is reflected in their less roaming nature. Winter Tigers prefer to stay close to home, where these affectionate people can be near to those loyal to them, although these Tigers do not need loyalty or devotion to function as good leaders. Whilst they are passionate and outspoken, Winter Tigers are also capable of controlling their aggressiveness to work in a team. They are however, less assertive than other Tiger signs and despite their presentation of an optimistic and capable image, Winter Tigers are as equally prone to feelings of insecurities as with every other Tiger type.
Characters of the Tiger Child
Energetic best characterises a Tiger child, who can be both a joy and a terror all at the same time. With little regard for danger, this curious and inquisitive child will find themselves in all sorts of predicaments as a result of their explorations. Whether leaning towards the quiet or boisterous, a Tiger child always knows where the action is, and will head towards it.
Bright and self-confident, and possessing a tendency to express their feelings directly, Tiger children may bully less aggressive children. However, these vivacious chatterboxes who can charm anyone, and will still find themselves popular for their affectionate, generous and happy-go-lucky personality.
Being so expressive, Tiger children will have strong opinions and expect their honesty towards others to be reciprocated. For parents, this openness can be both a blessing and a challenge – when Tiger children are troubled, they fail to hide their emotions. However, parents have to ensure their child has sufficient outlets to release their pent-up anger which, once dissipated, sees the Tiger child return back to their normal self.
This assertiveness can be a problem if left unchecked, and if the Tiger child grows up to dominate their parents completely. In order to regulate their assertiveness, the Tiger child should be taught how to yield to logic, and to understand the importance of compromise. Parents however, should realise that their Tiger child will not simply take their word for it, and will test these lessons over time – it is simply in their nature to test any boundaries set for them, so parents should be unrelentingly in their lessons.
However, given proper discipline, love and a sense of security and warmth, the Tiger child will grow into a self-confident, energetic adult with the passion to take on the world. In other words, even from young, life will never be dull or empty when a Tiger is around.
The Tiger and His Ascendants
In Chinese horoscopes, a person born during different periods of the day will have an affect on his/her overall personality in various degrees.
For every individual, their personality has a centered “self” and many layers around it. Each layer has a different size, texture and aura, and when combined, it makes up who the person truly is.
Each period of time during the day corresponds to a different Chinese horoscope. So, although it is a person’s individual choice on which path he will take in life, there may perhaps be other “inner voices” which will influence him. These “inner voices”, “other self” or “inner struggle” comes from their conflicting ascendants.
e.g. A Rooster born in the hours of the Ox. In this case, the individual may experience both animal traits to different degrees, hence the conflict.
Your local time should be used when determining your ascendant.
11PM - 1AM: The Rat Hours
You are charming and loving, but quick-tempered and hate being ignored. In fact, the attention-seeking side of you will pick a fight just so you have the experience of making up. With your eloquence and extroverted personality, you will have no troubling finding greater success if you allow your Rat side to regulate your spendthrift ways.
1AM - 3AM: The Ox Hours
The strong will, almost stubbornness of the Ox meets the temperamental but lively nature of the Tiger. The result is hopefully a level-headed, disciplined Tiger who is more predictable and less prone to dramatics.
3AM - 5AM: The Tiger Hours
Dull moments are not a feature of this Tiger’s life. Expressive without hesitation, you are vivacious and charming, or ready to pounce when angry. As a pure Tiger sign, you receive a double dose of every Tiger characteristic, whether positive or not.
5AM - 7AM: The Rabbit Hours
It would be their mistake for anyone to think that this Tiger is not a true Tiger, given they appear more serene and even docile compared to other Tigers. With the Rabbit influence, you are more patient and less reckless, leading to better decision-making. You also possess the skill of diplomacy and have an ability to avoid confrontation, since Rabbits do not enjoy confrontations as much as the Tiger does.
7AM - 9AM: The Dragon Hours
The Dragon will boost the Tiger in you, making you extra competitive just so you can prove you are the best. When beaten, you are easily frustrated or angry, especially when you do not gain others’ cooperation. Your leadership ability is hampered by your unpredictability and demanding nature.
9AM - 11AM: The Snake Hours
The normal hotheaded Tiger will be cooled by the Snake’s wise influence, so you may find yourself more objective and less prone to explosive outbursts. Together with the Snake’s intuition, this Tiger will have the ability to negotiate more difficult deals.
11AM - 1PM: The Horse Hours
Although adaptable as a Tiger, the Horse ascendant will influence you towards a more calculated and practical approach, since the Horse’s concern is self-preservation. However, there is a risk you will lack a serious sense of responsibility, given these two signs cherish freedom.
1PM - 3PM: The Sheep Hours
The benefits of your artistic Tiger nature may be dampened by the Sheep’s jealousy and possessiveness, which will exacerbate your emotional Tiger side. If this can be curbed, then you will be able to use your talent for beauty and art to gain the limelight you seek.
3PM - 5PM: The Monkey Hours
Unlike the Tiger who can rely on brute force, the Monkey is not able to do so. Combining these two signs produces a person who can marry charm and strength with wit and cunning. These characteristics will help you to tackle problems creatively, a behaviour that is only complemented by the Tiger’s optimism and readiness to take on a challenge. However, you should be aware that having the most opposing sign as your ascendant means you will face a constant struggle of which side to choose.
5PM - 7PM: The Rooster Hours
This is a meeting of the Rooster who is adept at problem-solving, and the Tiger who has a tendency to create trouble. It is a combination that produces a very interesting personality which draws the attention of onlookers who marvel at your ability to accomplish great things.
7PM - 9PM: The Dog Hours
A Dog’s common traits are fair play and common sense, both of which will temper the Tiger’s ego and tendency to intimidate and argue. This results in a Tiger that is easier to deal with. Your sense of fair play means you take a liking to democracy, and will not back down from a fight if you feel an injustice has been committed. However, in this case, your sharp tongue is your choice of weapon, rather than your brawn.
9PM - 11PM: The Boar Hours
The Boar in you will encourage your love for the finer things in life, be it good food or beautiful things. Combined with your outgoing and impulsive personality, you have no problems attracting love and friends. Being generous and very helpful, you also have no problems keeping your friends. However, the incompatible points of this combination can also encourage your destructive behaviours, namely your vindictiveness so it is important to keep a constant check of yourself, and not allow yourself to get your way all of the time.
When Moon Signs Meets Sun Signs
In addition to ascendants, there is also another additional factor which affects an individual's personality: the sun signs. The sun signs, or the Western zodiac sign, parallels the Chinese lunar signs. Based on the month and season of the Rat, it is paired with Sagittarius and thereafter the rest of the sun signs are paired with the concurrent moon signs accordingly.
SAGITTARIUS: 22 November to 21 December
Fire + Positive Wood = Sagittarian Tiger
Being extremely alert and intelligent, Sagittarian Tiger interprets events both swiftly and accurately. As expressive Tigers, they are also open-minded and have few inhibitions – once his curiosity is piqued, nothing will stop a Sagittarian Tiger from fully exploring whatever is at hand, notwithstanding authority or social conventions. Although Sagittarian Tigers can be argumentative and sometimes arrogant, their quick wit and good comportment means they are never rude, brash or uncaring.
CAPRICORN: 22 December to 20 January
Earth + Positive Wood = Capricorn Tiger
With the calming influence of the Capricorn, the Tiger will not be so restless and quick to pounce. The Tiger’s fiery temper will be redirected in a more constructive fashion, leading to a less headstrong Tiger who is more willing to listen to reason. In redirecting the Tiger’s energy towards developing their skills, the Capricorn Tiger is poised for success. Being so calmed by the Mountain Goat also means that the Tiger will be less receptive to sudden changes, and can be relied upon to fulfill his promises.
AQUARIUS: 21 January to 19 February
Air + Positive Wood = Aquarian Tiger
Honest and unpretentious, the Aquarian Tiger makes a good friend and lover. However, the restless Tiger nature comes to a head yet again, meaning the Aquarian Tiger is never around for long enough to let relationships settle. The Aquarian Tiger fearlessly pursues their dreams, bending rules to their advantage and taking on challenges with a sense of enjoyment few will understand. Their ability to adapt and communicate their ideas makes them good publicists. Being driven by their ideals and expectations, it is pointless to attempt to contain the free-spirited Aquarian Tiger.
PISCES: 20 February to 20 March
Water + Positive Wood = Pisces Tiger
Here the dramatic Tiger is subdued by the calming and serene Fish. Being adaptable, the Tiger will mix well with the Fish’s peace-loving nature, which will help to contain their restlessness. As a result, the Piscean Tiger may hide their claws, a behaviour which they will turn into their advantage to achieve their goals. However, whilst the Piscean Tiger might temporarily relax, make no mistake – they are still Tigers and will be ready to pounce whenever they need to.
ARIES: 21 March to 19 April
Fire + Positive Wood = Aries Tiger
Coupling the fiery Aries sign with the equally fiery Tiger will produce an exciting personality that few will be able to manage or contain, since neither sign is capable of subduing one another. The Aries Tiger is constantly on the go, and are as capable of accomplishing great things, as they are of lashing out at others when they feel they have been misunderstood. Their activity is not just limited to the physical, but also to the mental – they are known for being innovative, and having the courage to attempt solutions which appear destined for failure. With their braveness and sensuality, they have no problems attracting friends or enemies.
TAURUS: 20 April to 20 May
Earth + Positive Wood = Taurean Tiger
Life can go both ways for those who possess this combination of signs – they either become affable and well-liked Taureans, or lose the restlessness of their Tiger personality. Either way, the reliable practicality of the Bull and the vivacious personality of the Tiger are a good match. They will create a person who is determined to reach their goals, without forgetting to lend their time and energy to those in need.
GEMINI: 21 May to 21 June
Air + Positive Wood = Gemini Tiger
Wit, humour and spontaneity are this Tiger’s special tools when it comes to ending awkward silences. These traits also make the Gemini Tiger an asset if they do not allow themselves to be governed by their emotions. The competitive Gemini Tiger is constantly on the move, but they are more likely to succeed if they are able to sit down and plan their next move, thus making themselves unbeatable.
CANCER: 22 June to 21 July
Water + Positive Wood = Cancerian Tiger
Love is in the air for the Cancerian Tiger, in a combination which produces someone who is kind-hearted and romantic to the core. Although outwardly possessive and jealous, the Cancerian Tiger is really soft at the heart – it is simply another manifestation of how generous they are with their emotions, because the Cancerian Tiger will laugh or cry without much prompting.
LEO: 22 July to 21 August
Fire + Positive Wood = Leo Tiger
Like the Tiger who goes all the way, those of this star sign will be wholeheartedly committed to their endeavours. Whether it is to gain a new lover or to express their dissatisfaction, the Leonine Tiger is not shy about expressing their feelings. Weaknesses are not exposed – to hide their lack of confidence about anything, the Leonine Tiger may act even more superior than before.
VIRGO: 22 August to 22 September
Earth + Positive Wood = Virgo Tiger
The orderly and reserved Virgo will keep the messy and boisterous Tiger in check, to produce a person who is less spontaneous but equally interesting. Virgo Tigers are at heart extremely kind, and will be very careful about how they present themselves.
LIBRA: 23 September to 22 October
Air + Positive Wood = Libran Tiger
Indecisiveness and procrastination could be this sign’s downfall. However, once a decision has been made, there is no stopping this Tiger who is kind and has no trouble working with unrelenting effort. Being as gracious and good-humoured as the Libran Tiger, they will accomplish their goals in a manner that will leave onlookers in awe.
SCORPIO: 23 October to 21 November
Water + Positive Wood = Scorpio Tiger
The talented, intelligent and lively Scorpio Tiger is more than your average Joe. Glamourous and beautiful, this proud Tiger will attack challenges that would otherwise discourage ordinary beings. This person is a combination of Scorpion perseverance and the Tiger optimism. However, those who work with them best beware – with the fighting spirit of the Tiger, and the endurance of the Scorpio, the concept of revenge is not lost on this individual, and minor confrontations will not be uncommon to remind you who is boss.
Compatibility and Conflict
Part of the Third Triangle of Affinity, the Tiger belongs to a group that seeks action. Members of this group have a humanitarian streak, and wish to promote universal understanding and communication. This is not surprising given they are motivated by idealism, and given their strong belief in the importance of honesty and transparency.
Together with the Tiger in this Triangle are the Horse and the Dog, who are as good as the Tiger in making personal contacts and developing strong, firm relationships.
Their methods may not always be conventional, and they may come across as impulsive rather than premeditated, but their motivation is always good. Those of these signs will follow their instincts, rather than conform to the norms of socially acceptable behaviour. There is no need to advise members of this group who will do it themselves, and being aggressive and good-humoured, they have no trouble inspiring others to follow in their lead.
Firm, positive relationships between these three signs are a result of their outgoing and energetic nature, fearlessness when challenged, and their active defence of justice.
As with all other signs, the Tiger will be most incompatible with the sign directly opposite him in the Circle of Conflict – in this case, the Tiger will be most incompatible with the Monkey. This also applies to those whose birth hours fall within the Hours of the Tiger (3AM and 5AM).
The Tiger’s direction (east-northeast vs. west-southwest) and season (winter vs. summer) directly opposes the Monkey’s, as well as his element (wood vs. metal). Although they share the same trait of competitiveness, their methods are very different and incompatible because both are sore losers and will refuse to surrender. One depends on wit and cunning to win, whilst the other depends on power and courage. To ensure a happy Tiger-Monkey relationship requires an experienced mediator respected by both parties capable of keeping the peace.
With few common interests and a relative indifference towards one another, there is little compatibility between the Tiger and Rat unless one has the other’s sign as an ascendant. At most, they will have a cool to average relationship if they share the same goals. However, as the Rat’s soul mate is the Monkey, and the Tiger’s soul mate is the Horse, close friendships may be difficult as the Rat and Horse are thoroughly incompatible.
Both being so stubborn and being sore losers means serious clashes could arise when the Tiger and Ox are made rivals. Unwilling to surrender and accept defeat, a Tiger and Ox will die trying to beat one another unless one has the other’s sign as an ascendant. Otherwise their shared tempers, shared strong will and shared strong need to have it their way will only feed the flames of incompatibility.
Sharing the same sign does not necessarily ensure compatibility. If both Tigers have the same background, and have the same types of friendships with people from their Triangle of Affinity, then there will be no conflict. If they do not, then pettiness and reservations about one another will arise. Both being Tigers will mean neither is willing to change, but they do not hold a grudge for long and a solid friendship can arise if they agree never to be angry at the same time.
Compatibility is not easy between these signs – the Rabbit is too conventional and peace-loving for the Tiger, who scares the Rabbit with their impulsiveness, high-spirited ways and hot temper. The diplomatic Rabbit also finds the Tiger’s unguarded tongue very difficult. Only when their ascendants are compatible, are they compatible. Otherwise, conflict may not take place as the Rabbit would rather avoid the aggressive Tiger.
The similarities between both signs mean compatibility is possible here. Both are extroverted action-seekers who are sincere and motivated by good intentions. This sense of idealism can united them into a powerful duo capable of overcoming any obstacles or challengers that stand in their way. Although they may constantly struggle to dominate the relationship, if they can understand the importance of sharing the burden and work based on their individual skills, then they can accomplish great things. However, differences need to be resolved at the very beginning of this relationship. Only then are mutual respect and cooperation possible.
The Tiger’s natural suspicions are aroused by the quiet and introverted Snake, who remains unimpressed by the Tiger’s outspoken and intimidating ways. The Tiger has a tendency to overact with the Snake, resulting in a cold to indifferent relationship unless one has the other’s sign as an ascendant. Conflict is possible if miscommunication takes place, because both signs are capable of coming to their own conclusions and will hold their own strong opinions, notwithstanding any challenges.
The Sheep and Tiger are not obviously compatible, but not conflicts or rivalries will arise – this will be a rather cool relationship. As the defender of those who are weak, the Tiger will protect the Sheep and when the Tiger is dejected, the Sheep will be perfect for sympathizing with the Tiger and providing an ear for the Tiger’s sorrows. When one has the other’s sign as an ascendant, a permanent and firm friendship is possible. Otherwise, things will remain platonic and bonds will not go as deep as presumed by onlookers – when the going gets rough, they will go their separate ways.
In terms of shared traits, both signs will not shirk from dealing with controversy. Sharing the same traits however, means that they will either be the best of friends or worst of enemies. Conflicts between the Tiger and Rooster will arise over the most petty things, and both will compete to be the centre of attention. The perfectionist Rooster will not understand the Tiger’s ability to improvise its way through life, and still emerge triumphantly popular despite its impulsiveness and lack of planning. The Tiger however, sees the Rooster as unnecessarily worrying about the finer details, when the big picture is so much more attractive.
Although the Boar does not fall into the Triangle of Affinity with the Tiger, these signs are highly compatible. Individuals of both signs are generous and extroverted, and secure with one another. Both are also honest, a trait they recognise and value in one another, and will find it easy to forgive each other for their mistakes. Happiness is possible in love and business – the Tiger brings its innovative quality to the relationship, which the Boar will admire and support. A mediator however, is still necessary to bring moderation in this relationship because both are passionate and impulsive, and lacking in self-control.
Famous Tigers
Charles de Gaulle
Ho Chi Minh
Ludwig van Beethoven
Queen Elizabeth II
St. Francis Xavier
Marilyn Monroe
Alec Guiness
Karl Marx
Emily Brontë
Stephen Chow
Dato Michelle Yeoh
Tony Leung Chiu Wai
Boa Kwon
Paula Abdul
Kofi Annan
Sir David Attenborough
Christian Bale
Usain Bolt
Agatha Christie
Victoria Beckham
Penelope Cruz
Germaine Greer
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Demi Moore
Rafael Nadal
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