Friday, 6 May 2011



The Ox’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
19 February 1901 to 7 February 1902 / Metal
6 February 1913 to 25 February 1914 / Water
25 January 1925 to 12 February 1926 / Wood
11 February 1937 to 30 January 1938 / Fire
29 January 1949 to 16 February 1950 / Earth
15 February 1961 to 4 February 1962 / Metal
3 February 1973 to 22 January 1974 / Water
20 February 1985 to 8 February 1986 / Wood
7 February 1997 to 27 January 1998 / Fire
26 January 2009 – 13 February 2010 / Earth
12 February 2021 – 31 January 2022 / Metal

Within the Chinese astrology, the Ox, is the second sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the boar is parallel to that of Sagittarius.

The Ox sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Winter, 22 December to 20 January, and 2 segments of the day, 1AM to 3AM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Ox sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the North-Northeast and fixed element is Earth.

The Personality of the Ox
The Ox’s forte is perseverance and hard work. People born in the year of the Ox are reliable, staid and structured. Patient and probably the hardest working of the animal signs, the Ox will go the extra mile to do whatever it takes to complete the task at hand. Not one to break the mold, he is comfortable to follow set tradition, regulations and social mores.

He is not quick to judge but once he has made up his mind, it is not easy to change it. This is because of the inherent inflexibility and stubbornness which characterizes the Ox. While he has strong principles, seeing everything as black or white with not much grey, these can often be prejudices and it takes a lot to persuade him to think differently. However, this very bull-headedness is a strength when channeled correctly. For example, he is not easily swayed away from his principles and beliefs. In that sense, he doesn’t much care what others think of him. What is more important to him is doing what he believes is right. Also, once you have his loyalty, it is not easily lost. He is committed and once he has agreed to do something, he will generally do what he says he will do. That said, he also expects people to live up to what they have promised. Once you let him down, the Ox will remember it and it will take a long time before he can forgive or forget.

As the Ox’s nature is quiet and private, he does not find it easy to communicate with others and can be socially inept. Don’t fault him for being too bland – he simply doesn’t have much of a sense of humour. He prefers his own company and is often a loner. At work, the Ox does not work well in a team, preferring to forge his own path to achieve a particular objective. He is likely to go off on his own track and as such, if he is a member of your team, you should keep close tabs on what he is doing. It is not that he is rebellious but simply that he thinks his way is best and he charges full steam ahead.

He doesn’t receive criticism well and may treat critical feedback negatively. When provoked, he has a bad temper and can hold a grudge, so be careful around the Ox. It is said that it is better to speak gently but firmly to the Ox. If you speak harshly, the Ox will simply clam up and ignore everything you say, even if what you are saying is valid. Resolve conflict with an Ox in a logical, supportive manner and you will find the Ox will be more willing to consider your point of view. Note that this does not mean he will accept it but at least he will listen!

The Ox enjoys being in the great outdoors and usually has a green thumb. Work wise, he might gravitate towards agriculture, land development or plantation management. He is a long-term thinker and will make sure that whatever work he does is sustainable and has the potential for growth. As he is not fond of change, he is risk-averse and will always look for the safest and most secure option. While not very sociable, the Ox is generally kind by nature and can be attracted to charity work and community service. Whatever work the Ox pursues, he is diligent to the extent of obsession. Watch out though - if he has issues in other areas of his life, he may use work to hide from the problems.

A creature of habit, the Ox prefers places of familiarity and his home is his castle. He is not fond of traveling, and is happiest to just potter around his home and garden. Health wise, the Ox does not get ill easily. Even when he does, he shrugs it off and will usually continue working until he drops.

As in every area of his life, the Ox takes his time when it come to romance. He will consider and date for a long time before deciding on his mate, but when he does he is a loyal partner. Practical and prosaic in nature, don’t expect the Ox to be creative in romance. Where he is lacking in refinement, he makes up for with honesty and reliability.

The female Ox has no frills - what you see is what you get. What lies beneath however is a confident, faithful woman who will make sure your house is kept well. Despite being down-to-earth, the Ox lady can be sensitive to criticism and remember it for a long time, so be careful what you say to her. Treat her well and she will look after you and protect you fiercely through thick and thin.

The signs who get on best with the Ox are the Rooster, the Rat, Snake. Those which may not be on the same wavelength as the Ox are the Dog, the Sheep and the Tiger. The remaining animals will get along reasonably well with the Ox.

Five Different Types of the Ox
Metal Ox (1901, 1961) - This Ox is taciturn but when necessary, he will not be afraid to speak out and will be surprisingly articulate. This outspokenness can get him into trouble with others, especially as he can be lacking in diplomacy and set in his ways. He is focused and will be relentless in doing whatever’s necessary to achieve his goals. This characteristic may ensure his success at what he sets his mind to, however, he should watch out for being arrogant or the desire to take revenge on those who may step in the way to his goal.

Water Ox (1913, 1973) - Although the Water Ox does not like changes to his routine, he is the most flexible of all the oxen and will actually relent to consider your ideas if presented logically. This quality makes him more amenable to others and he works well with a team. Principled as all Oxen are, the Water Ox is not as single minded as the other Oxen and can multitask, while his tenacious temperament allows him to pursue his goals to completion.

Wood Ox (1925, 1985) - The Wood Ox is more sociable and demonstrative of care to others. While traditional in his thinking, he is able to maneuver through society more easily and is respected for his principles and evenhandedness. Being less stubborn, the Wood Ox is able to work well with people and support the main direction set by the team even if he doesn’t necessarily agree with it. In the corporate world, this Ox is an asset to the team as his tenacity will help the team achieve their goals for mutual benefit.

Fire Ox (1937, 1997) - The Fire Ox is the most aggressive and self-confident of the Oxen, often he can appear quite cold and ruthless due to a severe sense of practicality. Honesty and dutiful are the strengths of the Fire Ox but due to his lack of empathy and care, he may run roughshod over you in his eagerness to attain his objective. Fire Oxen are said to be good for the armed forces or law enforcement, as they will follow rules and regulations without question.

On the domestic front, the Fire Ox will make sure that at the very least, his family shall never want for the basic necessities. If possible, he will want every material comfort for them.

Earth Ox (1949, 2009) - The Earth Ox prizes security and constancy above all. He may lack sensitivity and romance, but he is a loyal and reliable partner and will create a safe environment for his family. To achieve this and more, he will work tirelessly and go through any hardship. As this Ox acknowledges his own limitations but yet is willing to do whatever it takes to be successful without protest, it is obvious that the Earth Ox will achieve his goals.

Seasons of the Ox
The Spring-born Ox who is also born during the daytime will be more sociable and hardworking than other Oxen born in the evening and night. These Spring-born Oxen are also very industrious and driven to achieve their goals. Serious and steady, with emotional as well as physical strength, they are highly responsible and make good leaders.

The Summer-born Ox tends to be complacent and comfortable, although he will be hardworking, he will find that things will fall into place easier for him than for his fellow Oxen. As a result, he will not have anxiety and be more confident. This Ox also enjoys assimilating new knowledge and will excel at whichever career he wishes to pursue.

The Autumn-born Ox is most concerned about security for his family and his career. He is undaunted by the fact that much is expected of him and strives to live up to those expectations. While strenuous, this is not difficult as he is very driven and committed by nature.

The Winter-born Ox is contemplative by nature and tends to spend much time considering all facets of an issue before making any decision. Urgency does not feature in his vocabulary. He prefers to lumber around in a state of usually solitary semi-hibernation.

Characters of the Ox Child
The Ox child will exhibit the toughness associated with this sign from young. Although the Ox child is quiet and obedient, his stubbornness and fixed mindset will show itself early on. Once these principles are set in his mind, they are difficult to change, so parents should make sure that positive values are inculcated to the Ox child in his formative years.

The Ox child enjoys regularity and is happiest when a daily routine is established. He is also patient and likes looking after younger kids. Being less sociable than his peers, the Ox child gets along better with kids younger than him too. Properly guided, the Ox child is a good role model for younger kids and a responsible baby sitter.

However, behind the big, tough exterior lies a gentle soul who may be easily hurt. As the Ox child is quiet and not very expressive, you may never know about it. Watch the Ox child closely and try to draw him out before it is too late.

The Ox and His Ascendants
In Chinese horoscopes, a person born during different periods of the day will have an affect on his/her overall personality in various degrees.

For every individual, their personality has a centered “self” and many layers around it. Each layer has a different size, texture and aura, and when combined, it makes up who the person truly is.

Each period of time during the day corresponds to a different Chinese horoscope. So, although it is a person’s individual choice on which path he will take in life, there may perhaps be other “inner voices” which will influence him. These “inner voices”, “other self” or “inner struggle” comes from their conflicting ascendants.

E.g. A Rooster born in the hours of the Ox. In this case, the individual may experience both animal traits to different degrees, hence the conflict.

Your local time should be used when determining your ascendant.

11PM - 1AM: The Rat Hours
The charming Rat makes you a softie! The stubborn Ox can become more relaxed and willing to express yourself. You can be eloquent and make people laugh. However, you can be inclined to hold a grudge and be less than generous. Let go, and you can find yourself happier. Also, if you can lower your expectations, become less judgmental and more accepting of people as they are, you will find yourself with more friends.

1AM - 3AM: The Ox Hours
Lighten up a little, dear oxen. Your stern overreaction and strict adherence to regulations when you’re leading others may scare some people off. Should you choose to relax, lay back a little and perhaps brush up slightly on the wittiness that is rather dull in you at the moment, you will gain much more regard and admiration from your associates. You possess undying fortitude and resilience, and you can exert commendable abstinence and composure over yourself at all times. In times of hardships especially, your stamina and strength is what will pull you through. With the perseverance that you possess, it will be hard for anyone to challenge you in that regard.

3AM - 5AM: The Tiger Hours
With the ferocious tiger mixed with your native, you crave for tender loving care, affection and attention from others, especially from those close to you. Spontaneous, impulsive and reckless decision making skills coupled with a hot-temper can be detrimental to you, therefore hold your ground and think things through before a verdict is reached. Have control over your displeasures for it may lead you into hot waters. The beauty of having the tiger as your ascendant is that you naturally charm people towards you because of your dynamic and powerful presence. You are fascinating to those around you. Put your sport shoes on for you are athletic, but if you choose to be in front of a camera, you will be good too as acting is innate within you.

5AM - 7AM: The Rabbit Hours
The ascendant in the Rabbit sign gives the ox skills of being tactful, benevolent, with an aura of being calm. You enjoy your work, yet you know how to not suffocate yourself with work - you are not a workaholic. Once a decision has been made, you stubbornly stand by it and tend to find displeasure in vicissitudes and uncertainties. You fixate yourself with regularity, control and stability in all aspects of your life therefore when things are thrown out of tangent, you react negatively to it. Your hobby includes the more sophisticated things including art, music and theatre where you are able to assert your diplomatic and subjective side within you.

7AM - 9AM: The Dragon Hours
The Dragon alone is a strong character to have, and coupled with the ox’s stamina, the ambition that you possess is unquestionable. You will fight to achieve all the things that you wish to with your steadfastness and determination. However, in order to make huge successes, you will have to abandon your stubbornness and narrow-minded thinking. In life, nothing is certain – changes, vicissitudes and uncertainties occur all the time, you just have to go along with it. Tone down your opinionated views and learn to accept other’s thinking and judgments, it doesn’t have to be your way all the time. If you continue relying on just yourself, you won’t get as far as you could if you had the support and assistance from other people.

9AM - 11AM: The Snake Hours
You are a mystery to others. People are naturally drawn to you – you just have something about you that people cannot figure out. It could possibly be your strong spiritual inclination that draws people towards you and the fact that you most often than not depend on yourself and your feelings to make decisions. You have utmost faith in your own intuitions, and stand strong in your convictions especially when it involves religion. Secrecy is your way of life. You remain silent about your thoughts, feelings and opinions and keep them all inside. As an ox, you do not like to share, nor confide, and this is further amplified with the snake as your ascendant. This means you would rather withdraw from others but this may result in a life of solitude. It wouldn’t harm you to expose yourself sometimes; open up to others, and maybe you wouldn’t feel as constrained within.

11AM - 1PM: The Horse Hours
Like a merry go round, you bring fun, joy and a sprightly energy to others. You rarely take things seriously nor would you dwell on things for too long. It is very nice to be around you with your light-heartedness and the exciting escapades you embark on but your indecisiveness may sometimes pose some problems to you. Travelling is your biggest form of entertainment, whilst you often seek variation in all that you do. Besides, parties are also one of the things you really enjoy especially if there’s music and a dance floor – you would boogie the night away in your trendy and ultra-chic outfits!

1PM - 3PM: The Sheep Hours
You are continuously torn between your decisions to spend lavishly or to lead a minimalistic lifestyle. It is your biggest inner battle; with the sheep gnawing in you to squander for your desires whilst the native ox prefers to be modest and simple. Choices are hard. As an ox, you are commercially competent and you are always welcoming to fresh proposals from others and yourself. This is reflective of the imagination you possess. Apart from spending on yourself, you are charitable and ever willing to help wherever you can as you are sentimental and soft-hearted.

3PM - 5PM: The Monkey Hours
Bursting with ideas, you will never run into a dead-ended situation. As a monkey jumps from here to there, your wise and cunning mind reflects the same and it will be hard to keep up with you. Obedience in you will come from the ox but once in a while, you will stray off track to get things done your way. Fun loving and light-hearted, you don’t take things too seriously to heart or hold grudges. Whatever that comes to you passes by quickly. It is fun to be around you although it may drain out the energy of those in your company.

5PM - 7PM: The Rooster Hours
Through your powerful speech or resilient vigour, you win and gain support either way. A fighter through and through, you would not give up no matter what. You gain confidence and backing from others easily especially in an electoral circumstance, as you hold your responsibilities well, and you remain motivated and devoted. Exactly like an ox, you bulldoze your way through adversaries, even when the situation is already in your advantage.

7PM - 9PM: The Dog Hours
It is one’s advantage to have you on their team. You thrive in situations where there is little hope in succeeding and a great deal of challenges – you like challenges! No matter what results, you continue to force your way through and the ascendant of the dog in you brings forth steadfastness. Not a big fan of the favourite team or choice in all cases, you always go for what is not the norm, which makes you standout and admired by others. Before any decision is made, your judgements take in accounts from all angles, as you hold impartiality and integrity to heart.

9PM - 11PM: The Boar Hours
When the world needs someone for support and strength they seek it from you. You have an all-rounded personality, and you would kindly go out of your way to help others. Once committed, you will seriously go all the way whilst the pig ascendant provides you your giving nature. As a result, you are prepared to take on for those who are struggling, bringing them assurance, comfort and alleviation, bearing the burdens onto yourself. You are dull, strict and traditional but you are in luck as the pig gives you a hint of enthusiasm and a liking for fine indulgences in materials, wine and gastronomy. You are sociable and happy when in the company of others and will exert all your energy into work and fun equally.

When Moon Signs Meets Sun Signs
In addition to ascendants, there is also another additional factor which affects an individual's personality: the sun signs. The sun signs, or the Western zodiac sign, parallels the Chinese lunar signs. Based on the month and season of the Rat, it is paired with Sagittarius and thereafter the rest of the sun signs are paired with the concurrent moon signs accordingly.

SAGITTARIUS: 22 November to 21 December
Fire + Negative Water = Sagittarian Ox

You find extreme joy when you propose and succeed in desperate and bleak situations, particularly if it was for another person. A natural businessman, you don’t look at negative qualities but you accept differences and cherish the good qualities in others. You skilfully direct your tenacity and power to have more success especially in noble causes and exert practicality into your forceful and persistent ways. Although you are sometimes clumsy and careless, you have the decency to counter it through your fine mannerisms. Although you do not suffer from an obsessive compulsive disorder, you are still a perfectionist but you wisely couple it with chic, dignity and unselfishness. If you ever get lost in a jungle, you will find your way out with your accurate navigating skills and intuitions.

CAPRICORN: 22 December to 20 January
Earth + Negative Water = Capricorn Ox

You are a silent achiever; resilient, perseverant and unstoppable no matter how hard and adverse the things that are thrown at you are. You uphold your virtues and morality to the tee, whilst you are independent but sometimes a little too stubborn. Once set on your mission, you will complete it without making rash decisions or complaints, and even if others fail, you will make sure you succeed no matter what. You have the strength of a mountain, and will endure and admirably journey on until you reach the top. It would be nice to show some affection openly to those close to you as you know how much they mean to you. Your discreet kindness and generosity towards them may not be noticed at times.

AQUARIUS: 21 January to 19 February
Air + Negative Water = Aquarian Ox

Unlike many of the other ox, the Aquarian in you will bring you happiness and tremendously tone your confrontational side down. You will find that you are less likely to be physically violent or forceful in your ways when you handle your vengeance against others. This is because you have better judgment and intellect to control your anger. You will realise that it is not all about compliance, hostility and firmness; sometimes you will have to make yourself unpredictable, lower and deign yourself in order to take control and get what you want. You have the courage to disregard rules and opinions and you are more prudent and sociable.

PISCES: 20 February to 20 March
Water + Negative Water = Pisces Ox

Your honesty and display of strength does you well as you give the vibe to others that you are in control of the situation. You give a sense of security without seeking to do so, and it works well with your restraining, sincere, detached and calm nature. Through the ox, you have the ability to gain a secure financial position. The downside in you is that you do not tolerate criticism well as it will bruise the huge ego that you have.

Aries: 21 March to 19 April
Fire + Negative Water = Aries Ox

In most cases, you choose to rely on yourself than to request assistance from and trouble others. When you have chosen your path and decided on how you are to go about things, you hardly change your mind as you remain stubborn and proud. You have a hot-temper with not much tolerance for others, and you lack the oral skills which results in you having too much action and determination. In other words, you are absorbed in performing and doing, and it might decrease your ability to accept others. When you take on an authoritative challenge in particular with someone who has power and influence, you might lose your ground. Before you come to your final decision, you will confidently take time in accessing the possibilities and various outcomes because you are terrified in losing your possession, position or face.

Taurus: 20 April to 20 May
Earth + Negative Water = Taurean Ox

Confident and sure, the Taurean Ox likes to set rules and strictly abides by it. To keep things fixed and in order, you make sure your dominance, level-headed and tenacious self takes control. You are all for direct, simple and forthright speeches. Cajoling or sweet-talking does not work for or on you in all cases as you prefer a no-nonsense attitude from others. Another thing that you are intolerant too would be pretentiousness. From the beginning you are sure of what you need and want. You possess an unrelenting attitude to strive for what you need, and no one can stand in your way although you are receptive to ideas and reviews from a third party.

Gemini: 21 May to 21 June
Air + Negative Water = The Gemini Ox

There is nothing to complain about you as Gemini brings to you many special qualities, the most primary being the power of speech. Your manner and articulateness in communicating with others serves you well especially when you have to express your opinions and disgruntles. Born as an ox, you are as monotonous ever, but having Gemini as your sun sign will give your spirit a touch of liveliness and a better sense of humour. You maintain and polish your overall discipline and contrary to a fickle Gemini, you are not as indecisive and unpredictable. With whatever tasks that you have to do, you attempt it to the best of your ability even if the tasks is tedious and boring as you know that is necessary to fulfil your obligations. You meet your deadlines and look at things on a bigger picture; as you operate on a long term basis. Lastly, you definitely know how to take care of yourself very well.

CANCER: 22 June to 21 July
Water + Negative Water = Cancerian Ox

The Cancerian Ox may look warm and friendly at a superficial glance, but he has hard little crab claws that will give a nasty nip if you try to take advantage of him. You can be rest assured that this Cancerian Ox is not anybody’s doormat! However, the stubborn and tyrannical Ox who wants to get his own way is softened by the nurturing Cancerian. This particular combination is blessed with some EQ and the ability to be strong and supportive with an empathetic connection.

LEO: 22 July to 21 August
Fire + Negative Water = Leo Ox

Flamboyant and regal, the Leo Ox combines the dominant and strong-willed Leo with the Ox’s forceful attitude. The King of the jungle thrives in the limelight which is a good counter to the solitary and privacy-seeking Ox. The grand Leo Ox is larger than life and naturally makes a good and commanding leader who is determined and will do what it takes to make his mark.

VIRGO: 22 August to 22 September
Earth + Negative Water = Virgo Ox

The Virgo Ox is meticulous and a hard worker who is constantly seeking new knowledge throughout his life. The need for privacy makes this Ox seek out places away from the maddening crowd as he prefers peaceful solitude for thinking things through. The Virgo Ox can be very spiritually inclined and has a strong sense of morality and principles. He would bravely defend the underdog and keep discipline where necessary.

LIBRA: 23 September to 22 October
Air + Negative Water = Libran Ox

One of the most well-liked of the Oxen, the Libran Ox is a lovely combination with the best of both worlds. The Libran Ox is a sociable creature, with warmth and friendliness. The Ox’s natural stubbornness is less prominent in this package, as is the Libran’s natural indecisiveness. So this more flexible and less fickle Libran Ox is generally happy-go-lucky and less industrious than his other Oxen siblings. The Libran Ox is more than willing to work at a steady pace with plenty of breaks and seek the comforts that life has to offer.

SCORPIO: 23 October to 21 November
Water + Negative Water = Scorpio Ox

This forceful character has the ability to be very successful to enforce the law or to break it. The Scorpio Ox has the qualities to be a powerful spiritual personality or the head of the armed forces. This seeming contradiction in terms is due to the single-minded strength of will, this character has – which is a sense of infallibility and drive. It can go either way – for positive or negative, depending on the inclination of the particular individual.

Compatibility and Conflict
The conflict and compatibility chart helps indicate complementary or conflicting horoscope signs. There are often 2 other complementary signs for each horoscope and one conflicting sign for every individual sign. The way to determine this is to place each of the 12 signs in a circle and the sign that is opposite of each other are conflicting, while the signs that form a triangle within that circle are the complementary signs. Aside from these 3 signs, the rest of the signs are compatible but in varying degrees.

The Ox, the Snake and the Rooster make up the Second Triangle of Affinity. The strength of this group is stability and perseverance as well as being unwavering in their perspective and good at planning. Said to be the most intellectual group of the Chinese zodiac, they make decisions based on fact and logic as opposed to emotion. While they share the same characteristics, they may not necessarily get along that well if they do not agree with the direction the others provide. However, should there be an emergency situation where they have to work together, their drive and tenacity will ensure success – for the duration of that time at least. If these three can learn to lower their personal guard and share their thoughts with each other, they can probably achieve even more.

The Ox’s nemesis is the Sheep, who is his direct opposite. Those of the Zodiac who have the Sheep as their ascendant would also be inclined to have conflict with the Ox. The Ox season is winter while the Sheep’s is in summer. Both their fixed elements are also conflicting, with the Sheep being Fire and the Ox being Water. The remaining nine signs share different levels of compatibility with the Ox, depending on their ascendant signs and their willingness to accommodate.

The Rat and the Ox are a good couple or business partners as they are both hardworking for the main purpose of ensuring their fiscal and familial security. By capitalizing and acknowledging each other’s strengths rather than weaknesses, they would complement each other and support each other for mutual happiness.

The Ox and Ox combination would not be an easy collaboration because neither is willing to give in to the other because of their innate stubbornness. In addition to this, they are both solitary animals, preferring to keep their own counsel, while expecting the other to psychically fulfil each other’s hopes and dreams. A relationship between two Oxen is unlikely to work on a long-term basis.

The Tiger and the Ox are able to get along reasonably well most of the time, but when push comes to shove, circumstances may create conflict between these two bad-tempered creatures. The Tiger is expressive where the Ox is passive yet both can be equally stubborn. If neither is willing to back down, this duo will need a strong mediator who can help to resolve the situation.

Although both the Rabbit and Ox are quiet creatures, they are unlikely to be compatible unless one of them has the other’s sign as their ascendant. The Rabbit is fond of his creature comforts, while the Ox is not. The Rabbit is also rather refined in contrast to the rough edges of the Ox. In addition, the Rabbit’s favourite friends are the Sheep and Pig, who simply irritate the Ox, so the sociable Rabbit may not wish to dump his pals for the anti-social Ox.

The Dragon and the Ox are a couple with clout. Both have the drive to succeed and are on the same wavelength so they can work well together. Where they are different would be that the Dragon likes the limelight while the Ox does not. This would work to their advantage as they would not be fighting over who is the star – in fact, the Ox would be more than happy to be in the background.

For the Horse and the Ox to get along, they would need to have the other sign as their ascendant. This is because of the contrasting characters of these two signs. The Horse is a whirlwind of dynamic activity while the Ox is slow and steady. The Ox is also grounded with logic while the Horse would be happy to run off on a whim. If they do not understand their differences and be willing to work at them, their relationship is doomed not to last.

This would also be an unlikely couple. The bright and mischievous Monkey would find the placid and quiet Ox rather boring, while the sensible and strait-laced Ox would be quite disapproving of the crafty Monkey with his wild ideas which would try to bend the rules as much as possible. However if this couple could leverage on the strengths of each party – with the Monkey providing the intellect and the Ox the hard work, this could be a successful pair.

The Dog and the Ox needs to be in synch with regard to their common goals. If they cannot share the same purpose, it would be difficult for these two to be together. Their personalities are quite different – with the Dog being sociable and friendly, while the Ox is more introverted and focused on his own goals. That is why it is important for both the Dog and the Ox to share the same goals – so that they can work together for mutual benefit.

The Pig and the Ox get on reasonably well. However, as the Pig’s best friends are the Sheep and the Rabbit, and the Sheep is the most conflicting character for the Ox, it will be difficult for the Pig to pick the Ox over his best friend. Should the Pig wish to try, he will have to work very hard to balance the contrasting energies around him.

Famous Oxen
David Blaine
Napoleon Bonaparte
Albert Camus
HRH Diana Princess of Wales
Marlene Dietrich
Walt Disney
Patrick Duffy
Jane Fonda
Hans Christian Andersen
Peter Andre
Johann Sebastian Bach
Warren Beatty
George Clooney
Peter Gabriel
Elizabeth George
Richard Gere
Julia Gillard
William Hague
Adolf Hitler
Dustin Hoffman
Anthony Hopkins
Billy Joel
B.B. King
Keira Knightley
Mark Knopfler
Burt Lancaster
Kate Moss
Alison Moyet
Eddie Murphy
Jack Nicholson
Leslie Nielsen
Barack Obama
Gwyneth Paltrow
Robert Redford
Lionel Ritchie
Wayne Rooney
Tim Roth
Meg Ryan
Amanda Seyfried
Bruce Springteen
Meryl Streep
Lady Margaret Thatcher
Alan Titchmarsh
Scott F. Turow
Vincent van Gogh
Zoe Wanamaker
Sigourney Weaver
Arsene Wenger
W.B. Yeats
Vera Wang
Andy Lau
Aishwarya Rai
Saddam Hussein
Yoon So-Yi
Kazuki Nakajima
Bowie Tsang
Michael Phelps

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