The Horse’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
25 January 1906 to 12 February 1907 / Fire
11 February 1918 to 31 January 1919 / Earth
30 January 1930 to 16 February 1931 / Metal
15 February 1942 to 4 February 1943 / Water
3 February 1954 to 23 February 1955 / Wood
21 January 1966 to 8 February 1967 / Fire
7 February 1978 to 27 January 1979 / Earth
27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991 / Metal
12 February 2002 to 31 January 2003 / Water
31 January 2014 – 18 February 2015 / Wood
17 February 2026 – 5 February 2027 / Fire
Within the Chinese astrology, the Horse is the seventh sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Horse is parallel to that of Gemini.
The Horse sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.
It rules 1 month in the season of Summer, 21 May to 21 June, and 2 segments of the day, 7AM to 9AM.
People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Horse sign as their ascendant.
Its direction is the South and fixed element is Fire.
The Personality of the Horse
Much like the wildly-spirited Black Beauties of classic literature and legends, Horses are strong, free-spirited characters who will always be masters of their own fate. Known for their unpredictable natures, Horses have very versatile natures and can often act rashly or are easily hot-tempered.
Because the Horse has a very independent nature, he may leave home at an early age. Or, he will already begin to express his adventurous side very early on by starting work young or beginning his career before their peers. The Horse is always full of energy and always acting on impulses. He will not conform to what is considered normal – even the way he dresses will be extra gaudy, loud and bright to garner attention. They can be extravagant, in the way of being likely to stretch the truth a little, ad lib and oversell – they don’t see it as anything wrong, just as an expression of their creative imagination.
Horses have very strong charisma and dominant, commanding personalities; they could even be considered aggressive. They aren’t likely to stop to listen for advice, galloping head-first into leading whatever they have already decided on. They are very quick in the way they think and respond to situations. They are open-minded, flexible, able to make fast decisions in the moment and find it much easier to handle difficult situations than other signs. They have a very keen and astute ability to assess people, and a high emotional quotient that can size up and manipulate situations or people to their advantage. Horses are also very intuitive, tuning into the subtlest changes in groups or situations that no one else will notice. They act very much from mere “gut feelings” and are amazingly deft in improvising and shape-shifting to suit changing situations. This makes them very good in devising new, promotional ideas and can often be very creative in their approach to problem-solving. Horses will never take no for an answer, never be beaten down by a rejection. They never dwell on mistakes – they just bounce right back to action and head straight for the next, exciting activity.
The Horse cannot sit still for any amount of time. They need to be constantly given new challenges and stimulus. Because of their constant on-the-go action and literal, physical speed, horses are more likely than other sides to suffer from conditions like hypertension or insomnia.
People are often charmed by the Horse’s positive, happy and confident attitude. The Horse has a very persuasive personality too and is able to enroll people easily to his beliefs and get them to do what he wants. This gives the Horse an extra edge in both business and love. Horses are not fussed about security. They are willing to take risks, will seldom heed warnings to be prudent and even if they do meet with blunders, it isn’t enough to stop them even for a moment.
As they love physical exercise as much as mental stimulation, Horses are also very physically active, with a love for outdoor adventure, sports and fondness for animals. Generally, people find them very warm and attractive, and they carry a raw and earthy sex appeal. As impetuous as they are though, Horses are likely to fall out of love as quickly as they fall in love, especially if they act from their heart instead of their head. A Horse is also likely to have many affairs that end abruptly and unhappily, and susceptible to several marriages or divorces. It would be better for a Horse to wait until they are older and more settled before deciding to get married.
This spontaneous nature of the Horse has its downside. It means that he can be very impulsive and stubborn, as well as hot-tempered. A horse will be known for his tantrums and while he may not pay much heed to them, he may well leave much damage and hurt in his trail that cannot be easily forgotten. This will be his Achilles heel, losing him a lot of respect and credibility in the eyes of those around him.
Also, while the horse himself thinks and acts very quickly and is able to adapt to situations very swiftly, he becomes very impatient if others cannot perform as well or as fast as he can. He will begin to push people, not taking their needs or feelings into consideration. They are very clear about their goals – in the long and short term – but may trample on many along the path of reaching that goal. They can be very demanding of others but will not be willing to sacrifice anything on their side that may threaten their freedom. Brash and single-minded in their drive to meet their goals, they will forget the most basic codes of courtesy and will have to frequently and gently reminded to mind their Ps and Qs. It is not that they set out to offend others but they will unknowingly upset people because of their impatience obstinate ways and unwillingness to wait for others to catch up to their speed and activity.
The Horse is a very hard worker though and will go at something for as long as it takes… or as long as his interest is sustained. They are single-minded about achieving success; failure is not an option for the Horse.
Financially, the Horse is unlikely to have any serious difficulty. They are not greatly concerned with acquiring wealth, but if they do have to handle it, they are able to manage their finances well enough to succeed.
The swiftness with which he changes his mind or course of action will also mean that he may quickly lose interest and get bored easily. He is likely to take up many different activities, jobs or projects that he may never complete; or get swept up in current trends that will wear off once something else more exciting comes along. It is therefore only when the during his middle age, that the horse will begin to take responsibility – this will then usher in the best part of his life.
The Horse is also easy-going however and isn’t one to bear a grudge. He only becomes upset if he fails to get his way after many attempts. If you share his same life goals for happiness and freedom, he will never get in your way; he is rarely jealous of or selfish towards others. Probably the only thing he is possessive about is his freedom, time, and relationship with others. This, he stands very firmly on: the Horse must have his freedom, act on his own accord and passionately resents being bound down rules and regulations.
Outwardly, Female horses seem sweet and soft, but they are as tough and quick-witted as their male counterparts. She is always on her feet, nimble, fast, intelligent and will excel in any number of things… all at the same time. Multi-tasking is second nature to the female horse; even her moments of relaxation and “play” would be physically draining for everyone else. She is perpetually on the go, always on the lookout for the next exciting challenge – the very idea of rest or staying in one place for long periods of time does not appeal to her. The way to win a female Horse’s heart is not to keep her locked down but to let her run as and when she likes. This is not her being unfaithful; she needs the constant activity.
It is said that of all the elements, the Fire Horse is the most volatile; the spontaneity and passion of the horse is multiplied many, many times over in this fiery sign – these are people born in either 1966, or in the next Fire Horse cycle in 2026. Fire Horses are anticipated to wreck havoc wherever they go, destroying everything in their path as they charge forward. In the olden days, female Fire Horses were considered unlucky to a family because it was expected that her wild nature would ruin the life of any man she is married off to. Male Fire Horses however, are not always as unlucky or destructive; some may even turn that passionate nature around to bring great credibility to himself and achieve great success. Examples of Fire Horses include King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Otto Preminger, Leonid Brezhnev and Aristotle Onassis.
Horses are best paired with Tigers, Dogs or Sheep. Following that, the Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Rabbit, Boar, Rooster or another Horse will match well with the Horse. They will not get along well with Oxes who need stability and consistency; nor with Rats who will not be able to tolerate the Horse’s constant shifts.
Five Different Types of the Horse
Metal Horse (1930, 1990) - This is the most popular but also stubborn and headstrong of all the horses. He is very expressive, bold and has a very enigmatic, charismatic personality that will be very appealing to the opposite sex. The Metal Horse is highly active – so much so that it can be very hard for anyone else around him to keep up. He thrives on excitement, new challenges that will bring him further and to great heights; when he is at his most positive, he will see every job right through to its most successful end.
As much as he is passionate, energetic and drive however, the Metal Horse can become just as irresponsible and negligent when they meet with no satisfaction or stimulus or rewarding result. He has wonderful and grand ideas, but because of his dislike of restrictions and structure, will not be good at the administrative aspects required of his work. He will also strongly dislike it if he is being monitored; any restriction on his freedom will threaten him and he will often avoid personal commitments to or involvement with anyone for fear that it will encroach upon his own space, time and freedom.
Water Horse (1942, 2002) - The Water Horse is a particularly cheery, amiable sign who is colourful, fashionable and able to talk to and be liked anyone. Like the slippery nature of water however, this horse is more restless than the other elements. He loves to travel and be on the move and does not like to stay still in any one place for any period of time. This adaptability also means that is more than able to adapt to change and can be very good at seizing opportunities to his advantage, particularly in business matters.
This restlessness also means that he is easily distracted and has a tendency to change his mind frequently, much to the exasperation of his colleagues or friends who are never informed about his changes in mind. He listens only to himself, guided only by his instincts. At his most negative, he can be most inconsistent and simply go about his at his own whim without care for others’ needs.
Wood Horse (1954, 2014) - The most grounded of the Horses, this Horse is a hard and tireless worker, with much strength and amiable characteristics to endear him to people around him. His is friendly, very socially active and can maintain very good friendships and conversations without demanding to be the centre of attention. He has the propensity for being very generous too. This Horse will have many broad interests and enjoys exploring different activities, fields and projects all at the same time. The stoic wood element however, will make it easier for him to find discipline and he is more likely to fulfill his responsibilities than his other flightier Horse siblings of other elements.
This Horse is very progressive, modern and also practical. He is willing to adopt new methods and discard old ways of thinking; he enjoys creative new inventions and innovative ideas to challenge his imagination and thought. However, although he is more open and able to compromise than the other elements, he still likes his independence and to be ahead; like all horses, he will not like being the follower and being dominated.
Fire Horse (1966, 2026) - Led mostly by his heart and his passions, this is the wildest and most flamboyant of Horses. The Fire Horse is exceptionally intelligent and has an extraordinarily brilliant personality. Referred to as the “daredevil of the lunar cycle”, he is most courageous, most willing to take risks just to achieve whatever he has his sights set on. Not one for practicality or caution, the Fire Horse will pummel his way through by sheer force and willpower to get what he wants.
As the Horse’s own fixed element is Fire, people born in the year of the Fire Horse carry a double Fire sign. This means they are highly excitable, volatile personalities. They are highly distracted, and inconsistent in their actions, making it very difficult for them to sustain repetitive tasks.
Always on the look out for something bigger, brighter and more exciting the Fire Horse is a constant thrill-seeker. He is charming, witty and attractive but will never take instruction from anyone other than himself and may not have the perseverance or consistency to see a fantastic idea through to its full execution. As he’s always on the lookout for challenges, he will even try to outdo himself. His life will always be exciting and eventful – it wouldn’t be unusual for a Fire Horse to lead double or triple lives or to wear several hats at once (and be good at every one of them).
This sign is also highly capable at dealing with all types of people and situations; he is particularly sharp and very fast at adapting to situations and resolving problems, but because of his fiery nature, can also tend to react in unreasonable, hot-headed ways.
Earth Horse (1918, 1978) - The Earth Horse is a happy horse and gets along very easily with many. He is one of the more logical signs of the horses and more likely than the rest to weigh all sides of a situation before acting. However, this can also mean that he is often indecisive and acts with far less certainty than this other Horse counterparts.
The earth elements makes him more careful and it is also easier for him to settle down, fulfill his responsibilities and follow along with a majority. He finds it much easier to listen to an authority than the other Horses but is still able to hold on very strongly to his own beliefs and principles.
This Horse works particularly well with money and finances. He is able to sniff out good opportunities or investments and with his deftness, skill and careful assessment, he is even able to revive failing businesses or make mediocre projects yield greater results and returns.
Seasons of the Horse
The most active in this sign, Spring Horses are all the most spontaneous, lively and cheerful characters. They love being outdoors and physical, sporting activities. Horses born in the day are all the more active, open, friendly and expressive. Because of their exercise, and the good food of springtime, Spring Horses often get a very good start in life. However, while their activeness spurs them on, it also makes them impatient as many would struggle to keep up with their speed and constant activity. These Horses are also most likely to be easily distracted and must be all the more aware that they do not lose their focus in whatever they are doing. Spring Horses especially should try to exercise more prudence in making decisions. They need to learn to practice enough patience to weighing the different options before settling down with one; or studying the many sides to a situation before jumping in to solve a problem.
The Summer Horse is confident, bold and courageous. Tenacious and strong-willed, he aims only for success – failure is not an option for him. There is little that will scare or intimidate him. He has a huge amount of energy and courage to take on any challenge and is highly competitive in all that he does. This hard-headed and emotional nature is coupled with a particularly strong intuition that allows him to predict changes and trends around him, giving him an even stronger foothold in whatever he is doing. Not surprisingly, this intelligent Horse will usually accomplish whatever they set out to do, with great success. While Horses are generally good at managing their finances, the Summer Horse is perhaps the only one who is likely to overspend, usually a result of being either self-indulgent or just very generous!
This more resolute and stable Horse benefits from being able to mature earlier on in life and more easily than other horses. He is more careful with his actions, more focused in his direction, more responsible and committed to his ventures. The Autumn Horse can be quite serious and stubborn to a point of being demanding, but this also means that he is less flighty and more likely to keep his word of honour. He maintains of course that strong-willed nature of all horses but the drive is more acutely honed and more purposeful – he knows very early on what he wants and is clearly oriented towards achieving successful results. From a young age, he will want to put his skills into practice and stretch his capacity to take on challenges. He still has the courageous aspects of all horses and is willing to take spontaneous risks, but this is tempered by an ability to maintain some foresight and keep a keen and protective eye on his interests.
The most silent and most careful of all Horses, this Horse is known most for his ability to bear the tough and cold conditions of winter, and emerge from the most difficult challenges without a single complaint. He is most Horse-like in his quickness in learning and ability to analyse situations accurately and deeply. However, it is his reliability and quietness that sets him apart from other Horses. He will react much less spontaneously than other horses but with much more thought. He is also much more reserved and controlled in his thoughts and actions. With a great appreciation of privacy, the stately Winter Horse is likely to sit aside from the crowd and choose to observe what’s around him instead. He invests more time into assessing a situation or a person before he reacts or speaks.
Characters of the Horse Child
There’ll never be a dull moment with a Horse child in the household. Always lively, active and animated the little Horse has a passionate sense of adventure and curiosity for everything in life. He’ll always be out and about, exploring, learning and running about in the great outdoors. He should be allowed to have lots of exercise and he is best when left alone and encouraged to be independent. He should be always be given challenges to keep him mentally and physically active, and allowed the opportunity to express himself. Keeping him indoors and restricting his movements will frustrate him, make him resent you and perhaps even cause him to charge out the door at the next given moment!
Like his older counterparts, he is a brave little fellow and will take risks and do things without much careful thought. He may get himself into trouble, but he is also quick-witted, clever and fast enough to get himself out of any situation. He is a little fighter and nothing scares him nor discourages him; rather, his ability to adapt quickly to situations will be greatest strength that keeps up, about and confident as ever.
Be warned though, that because of his spritely, boisterous nature, he won’t be able to sit still for even a moment and is likely to be disobedient, stubborn and have a very strong mind of his own that won’t be willing to listen to anyone. It would therefore be good to disciple a Horse child and teach him early on the necessity for controlling his hard-headedness and volatile tempers.
The Horse and His Ascendants
In Chinese horoscopes, a person born during different periods of the day will have an affect on his/her overall personality in various degrees.
For every individual, their personality has a centered “self” and many layers around it. Each layer has a different size, texture and aura, and when combined, it makes up who the person truly is.
Each period of time during the day corresponds to a different Chinese horoscope. So, although it is a person’s individual choice on which path he will take in life, there may perhaps be other “inner voices” which will influence him. These “inner voices”, “other self” or “inner struggle” comes from their conflicting ascendants.
E.g. A Rooster born in the hours of the Ox. In this case, the individual may experience both animal traits to different degrees, hence the conflict.
Your local time should be used when determining your ascendant.
11PM - 1AM: The Rat Hours
The Rat sign will make this horse a better, fun-loving companion; he will be more sentimental, enjoying strong family relationships. As both signs are very good with finances, this Horse will be particularly good at acquiring and managing money. This Horse is more able to make longer-lasting commitments and likes a life that revolves around the home and family.
1AM - 3AM: The Ox Hours
The grounding sign of the Ox will lend much consistency and stability to the versatile Horse. The stoic, stalwart Ox brings order and discipline into the Horse’s life and actions, which will bring him much more credibility to the promises and commitments he makes and earn him respect for what he does.
3AM - 5AM: The Tiger Hours
What a powerful sign! While the Horse is already skillful and clever, the daring Tiger sign adds a courageous willingness to take risks. If the bold Tiger concedes to trust the instinctive feelings of the Horse, this Horse will be propelled to many great heights. The Horse with the Tiger ascendant will be all the more colourful, flamboyant, adventurous, energetic and active; you can be sure that the path to achieving his dreams will be as exciting as the goal itself.
5AM - 7AM: The Rabbit Hours
The prudent, careful aspect of the Rabbit personality will temper the outspoken, brash Horse, making him more moderate and calm in his actions. This Horse will also be able to better control his speech and temper, and is more likely to give things more thought before he acts. He is also likely to be quieter and less outspoken and flamboyant than other Horses.
7AM - 9AM: The Dragon Hours
What a powerful combination! This Horse, egged on by the powerful Dragon, can tend to have a big ego and often feels the need to be dominant. Defiant and determined, this Horse can’t help winning and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is very brave, has great spirit and is very energetic with a tendency to overreact. This is a particularly difficult Horse to handle!
9AM - 11AM: The Snake Hours
With these two highly intelligent signs, the Horse with the ascendant Snake may be a little slower and careful, but very discerning and sharp. The Snake will help the horse to be quieter, more secretive, and able to think through his course of action thoroughly before acting – this assures him much greater success than normal.
11AM - 1PM: The Horse Hours
The Pure Horse is a very active one who will love sports and a physically active lifestyle – it will be hard to keep up with him unless you’re very fit and active yourself! He will also tend to be even more restless than other horses and given to acting in conceited and very impulsive ways.
1PM - 3PM: The Sheep Hours
The gentle and loving ways of the Sheep temper the brash and gaudy ways of the Horse and will bestow him a calmer, more peaceful disposition. Ruled by the artistic and sensitive energy of the Sheep, the flirty, flighty Horse may be in need of more love and assurance, but is still a very lively, happy sign.
3PM - 5PM: The Monkey Hours
You’ll be hard pressed to out-wit this Horse who will not only be swift and intelligent like all Horses, but also have the extraordinary creativity and cleverness of the Monkey. This Horse will be extremely good at scheming to get his way and sets very high goals and expectations for himself. Nothing will get in the way of this highly competitive and egoistic Horse, who is likely to be always one step ahead of you.
5PM - 7PM: The Rooster Hours
The bright and happy attitude of the Rooster makes this Horse all the more confident and fearless in his endeavours. Never one to be beaten down, this Horse will have both the meticulous, careful attention to detail of the Rooster and the hard-working drive of his own sign. He knows how competent and able he is, and will want to be in charge and will often have the tendency to be highly critical of others.
7PM - 9PM: The Dog Hours
The intelligence of the Dog strengthens the agility, wit and abilities of the Horse, and also makes him more faithful and grounded to the people around him. While the extraordinary mental capabilities of this Horse makes could make him all the more impatient of others’ comparative slowness, his sense of loyalty and protectiveness for loved ones remains very strong and constant. He is also very stalwart in his beliefs and principles - this combination ensures that the outspoken Horse always fights for the causes he remains most loyal to.
9PM - 11PM: The Boar Hours
The naturally wild Horse may also become more unruly, more undiscerning and coarser by the Boar ruling his birth hours. On the other hand, the Boar is also known for his more laid-back nature – this could either temper the impetuous Horse, but it may also have the tendency of making him too complacent. Either way, the Boar’s predominant tendency to kind, generous and helpful will be brought out in this Horse, making him a very pleasant person to be around.
When Moon Signs Meets Sun Signs
In addition to ascendants, there is also another additional factor which affects an individual's personality: the sun signs. The sun signs, or the Western zodiac sign, parallels the Chinese lunar signs. Based on the month and season of the Rat, it is paired with Sagittarius and thereafter the rest of the sun signs are paired with the concurrent moon signs accordingly.
SAGITTARIUS: 22 November to 21 December
Fire + Positive Fire = Sagittarian Horse
Two very active and fiery signs come together to form a Horse that will live life to the fullest potential, at a level far more intense than most of us can handle. He is full of energy and loves an active, sporty life. However, the very thing that makes him so energetic and such a go-getter is also what will cause his downfall. There is too much speed and too much energy but not enough stamina and lasting power to see him through his activities. The Sagittarian Horse is likely to bite off more than he can chew and subsequently burn out when his mental prowess gets the better of physical limitations.
CAPRICORN: 22 December to 20 January
Earth + Positive Fire = Capricorn Horse
The Capricorn Horse will be very successful in all he sets out to do. The consistency and reliability of the Capricorn sign brings stability to the Horse’s capricious but highly intelligent ways, making him all the more industrious, active and productive. As a Horse, he is intuitive and quick to respond to situations, but the careful goat helps him to check things out thoroughly before acting. He therefore works with his own accurate feelings but is highly perceptive and aware of what is going on in the people and situations around him. The qualities make him more able to prioritise, analyse and execute his goals with simultaneous speed.
AQUARIUS: 21 January to 19 February
Air + Positive Fire = Aquarian Horse
A great dreamer at heart, the Aquarian Horse lives between the reality of this world and the imagination of his daydreams. He has a huge capacity for imagining great things, always ready to get up and go for an adventure. Nothing is too fanciful, impossible or surprising for this Horse. Always looking forward to the future, he has a great love for the possibilities that life presents and never dwells on the past, no matter how bad it may have been. He is always active, always involved and constantly surrounded by people, things, projects and dreams to keep him busy, stimulated and in love with life itself.
PISCES: 20 February to 20 March
Water + Positive Fire = Pisces Horse
The Piscean moderateness and patience tempers the Horse’s hot-headedness, making him one of the more graceful and sophisticated personalities in the Horse sign. He threads more cautiously than most Horses but maintains the swiftness and intuitive impulses of his lunar sign, creating a fine balance between speed, meticulousness and sensitivity. He is a calmer, more measured Horse, more open to listen to and accommodate the needs of others and less likely to make a grand show of himself.
ARIES: 21 March to 19 April
Fire + Positive Fire = Aries Horse
While the Goat may tend to charge forward with the battering force of his horns, the Horse refines this double whammy of speed and activity with grace and skillfulness. He will be tireless in his energy and always keen to throw himself headfirst into the newest adventure, but may lack the staying power to see things through. Both are very energy, highly spirited signs, producing an individual that will find it very hard to stop for even a moment – there will always be something new to keep them on their toes. The Aries Horse will always be moving, always looking for action and impatient for new challenges.
TAURUS: 20 April to 20 May
Earth + Positive Fire = Taurean Horse
The slow-but-steady Taurean reins in the Horse’s impetuousness but not enough to rule out his still fun-loving and colourful nature. Both signs very strong characteristics of determination and find it hard to be put down or discouraged. With both the Horse’s courage and the Taurus’ persistent resolve, this combination makes for a person who is lively and energetic yet steadfast, tenacious and reasonable. The Taurean Horse is a more secure one, who is able to hold down his interests and goals with more focus and with longer-lasting results.
GEMINI: 21 May to 21 June
Air + Positive Fire = Gemini Horse
The two most volatile and impulsive signs meet in this explosive combination! While a Gemini’s temperament changes as quickly as the British weather, the Horse acts and reacts constantly on the spur of the moment – you never quite know what to expect around a Gemini Horse! This personality will respond to situations extremely quickly and is able to change and adapt to situations much faster and more quick-wittedly than any other horse. However, what he gains in speed, he lacks in depth - this horse can be in many places, doing many things at once, but he will become a jack of all trades and master of none. His propensity for change will also mean that he is constantly restless; he will go into something with a great deal of zeal but then abandon it just as quickly.
CANCER: 22 June to 21 July
Water + Positive Fire = Cancerian Horse
In this combination, the water element makes a softer, calmer more loving Horse; while the fiery temperament of the Horse helps the Cancer to lighten up and be less passive. As a Horse, this person will always be active but perhaps less impulsive and more refined in his methods, attitudes, tastes and relations with others. This sign can still be moody and cautious but the Horse’s playful energy relaxes him and makes him more forgiving. He is more aware of his surroundings and the intuitive nature of the Horse becomes more connected with his environment.
LEO: 22 July to 21 August
Fire + Positive Fire = Leo Horse
The Leonine Horse will be very popular, with a great following and loved for his cheerful, bright outlook on life. Rarely does anything get this Horse down and very seldom does he doubt what he sets out to do. Expressive in nature, he is prone to grand gestures, impulsive acts and emotional moments, but he will always rally forward with great optimism, ambition and passion and makes a happy, creative, approachable leader. This personality has a huge amount of energy and will do best with physical exercise as well as varied and diverse means for expressing himself emotionally.
VIRGO: 22 August to 22 September
Earth + Positive Fire = Virgo Horse
A naturally more careful sign, Virgo brings stability and order to the disorganised and unruly Horse. The Virgo Horse may not be as quick and spontaneous as most horses but he is still very sharp, alert and intuitive. Combined with the calculated care of the Virgo, his actions will be well thought out and responsible, which can bring greater benefits in the long term.
LIBRA: 23 September to 22 October
Air + Positive Fire = Libran Horse
An independent and happy personality, the Libran Horse will be less self-absorbed and more willing to work with and compromise with others. He is a cheerful and good-humoured character and can speak very well when the occasion demands, especially if it is in his own interests. The unpredictable tendencies of the Horse will still be there, but this Horse is more astute and discerning, and will know how to look out for good opportunities and take care of himself.
SCORPIO: 23 October to 21 November
Water + Positive Fire = Scorpio Horse
The Scorpion Horse is among the most serious in the many combinations, with much less of that happy-go-luck impulsiveness of other Horses. His stubbornness is made all the more impenetrable by his quietness and the elusive mystery of all Scorpions. Like all horses, he will be all the more resistant to menial work, petty rules and regulations or opposition that may get in the way of his goals. While the Horse himself is known for his stubbornness, the Scorpion makes him even more stoic and unmoving in his decisions, to the point that he can even become unreasonable and difficult to work with.
Compatibility and Conflict
The conflict and compatibility chart helps indicate complementary or conflicting horoscope signs. There are often 2 other complementary signs for each horoscope and one conflicting sign for every individual sign. The way to determine this is to place each of the 12 signs in a circle and the sign that is opposite of each other are conflicting, while the signs that form a triangle within that circle are the complementary signs. Aside from these 3 signs, the rest of the signs are compatible but in varying degrees.
Horses are part of the Third Triangle of Affinity which comprises very action-oriented signs, including the Tiger and the Dog. All signs in this group seek to serve humanity, promote universal understanding and like communication; this makes them very good at establishing personal relationships and creating strong friendships with others. They like to rally and act on behalf of others. The Robin Hoods of the all animals, this group are extremely energetic and high-spirited and will inspire others into action by their own strong, passionate energy and drive for justice.
They may be unconventional – even controversial – in their methods but they are always driven by noble motivations and great, idealistic thoughts. This group will be known to act more on impulse and by following their instincts than by following the rules and norms of society.
The Horse will find it most difficult to get along with the Rat. Within the Circle of Conflict, the Horse is physically directly opposite from the Rat. While the Horse’s direction is due South, the Rat’s is due North. People whose ascendant is the hours of the Horse will also find themselves at loggerheads with the Rat.
Conflict arises because the while the Horse is very free-spirited and independent, the Rat is very possessive and clannish. The Rat favours consistency and persistence, while the Horse prefers to be independent and is often known for being unreliable and flighty. When placed together in any situation, the Horse and Rat are more likely to pit their wits against each other instead of find ways to work together.
Apart from the Tiger and the Dog, the Horse is compatible with other Horses and the other remaining eight signs to some varying degree as follows:
It would be quite difficult for the Horse and Ox to work together unless one has the other as an ascendant sign. The Horse is flamboyant, independent and known to throw caution to the wind, while the Ox is very grounded and measured. While the Horse acts by instinct and often likes new challenges, ideas and methods, the Ox follows rules and regulations to the T and prefers to travel an old, tried-and-tested route. The Horse may feel too restricted by the Ox and the Ox may find it difficult keeping up with the Horse’s volatile, unpredictable nature.
The Rabbit is naturally discreet and passive and will probably not appreciate the Horse’s passionate and headstrong ways. On the other hand, the Horse may feel that he is held back by the Rabbit’s careful ways for the careful Rabbit is unlikely to follow along blindly. The Rabbit looks for dependability and will find it very challenging to work with the Horse’s changeable and impulsive nature.
Together, the speed of the Horse and the power of the Dragon brings a potentially strong and very workable match. There may be some initial problems as each tries to put their food forward as leader because the Horse can be impatient and restless, while the Dragon is very authoritative. However, they are both also known for their excellent communication skills so conflict can be readily resolved and understood. Because the Horse has an exceptional ability to pick up on the subtlest changes in any situation, it is good for the Dragon to work with and follow his instincts. This would make a very good pairing.
Both strong fire signs, it will be hard for the Horse and the Snake to compromise and see eye to eye. They are two of the most intelligent and intuitive signs in the cycle, but their personalities are very different, with the Horse being exceptionally hyperactive and the Snake keeping it very cool and introverted at all times. While the Horse is very expressive , demonstrative of his feelings and physically very showy, the Snake maintains a very measured, often impenetrable façade. As very strong characters in themselves, the Snake and Horse are likely to go their own ways because each refuses to bend to the other and cooperate.
A Horse will find it very easy to work with another Horse. Because they are both active and energetic, they will fuel each other’s thirst for challenges and adventure. They will also be able to keep up with each other’s speed in working towards a common goal. By their easy going natures, Horses will known not to expect too much from each other, which will either mean that they establish very cooperative relationships or simply break off from each other in search of something else that to tickle their fancy. Their amiable characters will also mean they will not hold grudges against each other and even if relationships do not work out, they will move on easily, confidently and happily.
With the Sheep being a more passive but creative sign, and the Horse being a courageous, bold one, many good alliances can come of their partnership. The Horse’s strong character will lend much needed direction and support to the often insecure, complaining and bleeting sheep. Quite a relaxed and calm sign, the Sheep will not be one to challenge the Horse and will in fact indulge his many impulses, which is precisely the support the Horse will need to make things go forward. The Horse makes a great leader in this relationship and the partnership can yield much success in the areas of business.
As the Monkey and Horse are both very quick-witted, spontaneous characters, the extent to which their relationship will work will depend on how much one needs the skills of the other and how they work to make the best of each other’s skills. However, their spontaneity will also mean that neither sign will cling on to the other – they are quite capable of moving on to greener pastures the moment the opportunity arises. If they share similar interests or a common ascendant sign they will be able to use each other’s talents for mutual benefit; however, because they are both very strong and highly independent characters, there is also the tendency for each to become overly calculative or selfish.
It is important for either the Rooster or Horse to determine who has the upper hand – this will determine how successful their relationship will be. The Rooster can tend to be very critical, argumentative, persistent and noisy, which can irritate the Horse. While they are both independent, adventurous signs, they have different ways of operating. The more calculative Rooster will weigh out the whole situation before acting – a type of prudence which the Horse doesn’t have time for – while the Horse will act on a sudden whim which will stun the Rooster by his speed and impulsiveness.
The Boar and Horse will get along famously in social situations, especially if they share similar interests. The Boar is naturally very generous and strong, qualities the Horse will like to work with, in achieving his goals, but working relationships may be difficult as the Boar will not be able to keep up with the Horse’s speed of doing things. It is not likely that there will be bad clashes between the Boar and the Horse, but special, strong relationships can be created only if they share ascendant signs or if they are able to find some compromise between the Horse’s free-spirited nature and the Boar’s possessive tendencies.
Famous Horses
Amitabh Bachchan
Ayumi Hamasaki
Stefanie Sun Yan Zi
Rowan Atkinson
Sean Connery
Kevin Costner
Cindy Crawford
James Dean
Clint Eastwood
Linda Evans
Ella Fitzgerald
Harrison Ford
Bob Geldof
Jimi Hendrix
Janet Jackson
Paul McCartney
Barbara Streisand
Raquel Welch
John Travolta
Michael York
Neil Armstrong
Kristen Stewart
Jackie Chan
Katie Holmes
Kevin Costner
Ashton Kutcher
Kirstie Alley
Mike Tyson
Sean Connery
Harrison Ford
Kathleen Turner
Frederic Chopin
Genghis Khan
Isaac Newton
Aretha Franklin
S. Grant
Theodore Roosevelt
Ayumi Hamasaki (Japanese singer)
Jaclyn Victor (Malaysian singer)
Vanessa-Mae (Singapore musician)
Leon Lai
Park Eun-hye (South Korean actress)
Kim Ha Neul (South Korean actress)
Aska Yang (Taiwanese singer)
Lara Dutta (Indian actress)
Kim Hyun-ju (Korean actress)
Ujjwala Raut (Indian supermodel)
Jasmine Leong (Chinese Malaysian singer)
Vanness Wu (Taiwanese singer)
Miho Shiraishi (Japanese actress)
Freya Lin (Taiwanese singer)
Katherine Heigl (American actress)
Clay Aiken
Nelly Furtado (Canadian singer and songwriter)
A. R. Rahman (Indian composer)
Alka Yagnik (Indian singer)
Lee Ann Womack
Yoshihiro Takayama (Japanese professional wrestler)
Kiefer Sutherland
Makiko Esumi (Japanese actress)
R. Kelly
Dave Matthews
Bobby Deol (Indian actor)
Irene Wan (Hong Kong actress)
Cheung Man (Hong Kong actress)
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