The Rooster’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
22 January 1909 to 9 February 1910 / Earth
8 February 1921 to 27 January 1922 / Metal
26 January 1933 to 13 February 1934 / Water
13 February 1945 to 1 February 1946 / Wood
31 January 1957 to 17 February 1958 / Fire
17 February 1969 to 5 February 1970 / Earth
5 February 1981 to 24 January 1982 / Metal
23 January 1993 to 9 February 1994 / Water
9 February 2005 to 28 January 2006 / Wood
3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012 / Metal
22 January 2023 – 9 February 2024 / Water
Within the Chinese astrology, the Rooster, or the Cock, is the tenth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Rooster is parallel to that of Virgo.
The Rooster sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.
It rules 1 month in the season of Autumn, 22 August to 22 September, and 2 segments of the day, 5PM to 7PM.
People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Rooster sign as their ascendant.
Its direction is the West and fixed element is Metal.
The Personality of the Rooster
Possible the loudest and most cocky of all the signs, Roosters think of themselves as great heroes and will be the most easily noticeable in a crowd. Roosters are most commonly defined by their outlandish ways of talking, the imposing personalities and their highly meticulous, perfectionist nature.
Known for being very talkative, the rooster always has something to crow and cluck about. Combined with his forthrightness and huge penchant for detail, the Rooster is likely to be critical and judgmental, to a point of being just plain mean. He will peck you to the ground to prove a point and enjoys a big debate, just so he can ruffle his feathers and show everyone how he can win in the cock-fight.
The Rooster – attractive and entertaining – also knows that he is intelligent and more than capable. He loves to be the centre of attention because it gives him the opportunity to shine and show off all that he knows and can do. Roosters will be extravagant when it comes to fashion and will not hesitate to spend lavishly on their clothes. Outward appearances are very important to roosters – from what they wear, to the accessories they carry, to the way their homes are decorated. Roosters will also tend towards doing things that can earn them a name or some sort of recognition like an award or a trophy. They like to be credited for what they have to show and give the world! People do like to listen and watch him because he is amusing, funny and witty – and he knows it. This means that he will take every opportunity to tell you all about his many accomplishments, skills and successes. He’s mastered this art so well that he excels in all forms of communication, particularly written and spoken.
This also means however, that the Rooster will be unrelenting when it comes to him making a point or proving himself right. He has little care for who he might offend or upset, as dive bombs into you, just to make sure you hear and see him, acknowledge what he has to say and even convert your ways of thinking to suit his. The Rooster is completely adverse to criticism – be very careful what you say around him. He can be highly sensitive and will lash back out until you retract, retreat and conform to his views. He makes a terrible diplomat, lacking any sense of tact, care or sensitivity. If you don’t, and if you’ve ruffled his feathers, the Rooster is more than capable of going to all means to ruin an enemy. Don’t understand the power of the Rooster. He may just look small and handsome, but his beak alone can do plenty of damage. It would do him good to understand that while he has excellent advice and knowledge to share – and that yes, he can is right – he must learn to deliver in ways more palatable to others so they can more readily accept whatever he has to say.
At his worst, he will become intolerably egoistic and opinionated. He has a very high opinion of himself and will have no qualms about putting someone else down so they know their place. The Rooster will always believe that he is completely right and that everyone else is wrong. This showiness however, may be more an act to convince themselves than others. His cocky attitude is perhaps more a way of assuaging their own insecurities than to intentionally offend others. He therefore loves all forms of flattery and praise, to assure himself though there may always be a little part of him that won’t believe it.
The Rooster can tend to be a little eccentric in his ways, even controversial. You shouldn’t take him – or his sharp tongue – to heart though. It could just be an exercise in mental stimulation for him or an occasion for him to preen again! Actually, deep at heart, the Rooster is a big old softie, old-fashioned, holds a very high moral ground and fiercely loyal. You’d be fortunate to have a Rooster in your family for he will do anything for them – so long as they agree to give him all the limelight! Strong support for the Rooster – either in family or friends – is good for him, giving him much of the confidence that he may actually be lacking deep down. A little cheerleading would do a Rooster very much good and bring out the best in him.
His bark will always be worse than his bite, and though he has the strength and stamina to peck you to death, his heart is soft enough not to actually follow through with his nasty threats and vicious words. He may be tough as nails on the outside, but when he knows he’s done wrong, he will try to make it up to you and if he knows you need his help, he’ll be the first one there – just don’t expect an overt apology because he’ll never concede to being wrong or having failed.
Now, if you have any trouble dealing with finances, the Rooster will be the best person to call on. Known for being exceptionally adept with handling money, the Rooster loves to count pennies, plan budgets down to the last cent and handle finances. He knows precisely what to do with money and will be calculative and meticulous to a point of obsession that will frustrate and madden everyone else around them. The Rooster will know precisely how to get a messy spreadsheet and your chaotic financial history back into order – he thrives on it; he’ll even willingly lose sleep on it for a few nights, just to make sure everything is perfect.
That’s the other thing about the Rooster. He has an uncanny eye for detail and is worryingly efficiently – in fact, if there’s something he needs to be done, he will nag you incessantly until you do it, exactly as he has intended. They are so precise in their plans and ideas for doing things that it is almost scientific; they have to learn to be more realistic in planning the execution of their ideas and to take into consideration basic human errors and the fact that other people cannot work the way they do.
Because of how capable and energy they are, Roosters will find success at a young age but they need to learn how to live and work in moderation, not raising the bar so high above their heads that they cannot actually reach it. Roosters can tend to over-estimate their own limitations, being prone to setting very high expectations for themselves and become overambitious in what they set out to do. In turn, they become disappointed if their huge and lofty dreams cannot be realised and frustrated when others cannot do things to their standards. They need to be careful that their want of perfection doesn’t turn on them and become their downfall as they sit there obsessing over the smallest, insignificant details. Again, while they’re flapping their wings and trying to fly high, they need to realise that they are actually most suited and comfortable when they’re grounded here on earth.
Still, the Rooster is unlikely to stay down. Always one to be the hero, he’ll just brush himself off, set the next big goal and set off to accomplish it. Trying to reason with a Rooster will be pointless – he’ll never back down so you either let him prove it to you, or agree to disagree. This can also mean that Roosters have a tendency to be very temperamental and moody – they can swing from highs to lows at the snap of a finger and you never know when they’ll swing back up again.
They are very good at tracking details, forming lists and making sure they’re ticked off. They are also reliable – you would be hard pressed to find a better person than the Rooster to accomplish an important job. In fact, he flourishes in a difficult assignment. He will also see it through until the end and even if it was you who first instructed him on the assignment, he will end up being the one chiding you for errors and nagging you to get things done for him.
Once you get past the self-assured cockiness and his almost offensive pomp, the Rooster can be depended on for his sincerity in helping you to get things done. He has good intentions and while he can come across as being overly arrogant and pushy, it is only because he feels that his way will be the best way to help a situation. He will do everything in his power to fulfill whatever he has promised you and not stop until every “I” has been dotted and every “t” crossed. You may find him annoying and horrible to live with; but you’ll also find that life will be just that little bit more difficult without him.
With their boundless energy, Roosters will also be an asset to any group or organisation for they will carry their responsibilities through efficiently and with zeal. A particular characteristic of Roosters is their uncanny ability to find success even in the most mundane situations. They excel in whatever they do, no matter how small. They would succeed if they set up their own businesses, for example, because their sharp and inquisitive eye will not allow for failure.
Female Roosters – or Hens – are more grounded but she is just as efficient, if not more so, and can be very strongly relied on to get the job done. She’ll also go about it in a much more cooperative way, without offending as many people as the Rooster would. You’ll be amazed at how much energy she has to see things through and what a brisk, tireless worker she can be once she’s been set to task. She’ll deliver more than you asked for, ahead of time and even with a little signed note and a box of chocolate. A Hen is probably one of the most helpful of the signs that you’ll find. She absolutely loves to be useful and will throw herself wholeheartedly into any endeavor. She has a huge amount of energy which she wants to use productive. She does best when she’s busy and would rather collapse from working too much than be bored for even a moment.
While she does also like attention and can be outspoken, she also does not mind just pitching in with the rest of the barn and working as a group. She likes routine and works well with carefully plotted schedules. Also a stickler for detail and very precise, the Hen will be exceptionally good in work like proofreading, managing statistics or accounts or research. She will make endless lists; and lists of lists. She takes notes on everything and remembers exactly where she has put even the smallest scrap of paper. Because of this meticulousness and care to see things through, she excels as a leader, making sure things run efficiently, to schedule and with no stone left unturned. She especially enjoys organising things, right down to the minutest detail, and it is not unlike a Hen to take on all the responsibilities of a project, for fear that no one else can do it as well as her.
The Hen’s love of perfection will also extend beyond her checklist of things to do and her spreadsheets, and to people. No matter how well you think you’re doing, she’ll be right behind you to point out something you missed or remind you of what you still have to do. Don’t take offence – it isn’t that she’s trying to find fault in what you’re doing but because she just wants the job done exactly and perfectly. She will want to have the last word and can be extremely long-winded in making her point. If she’s feeling crochety about something or has a bee in a bonnet, you better sit yourself down with a big cup of tea and listen to her get it all off her chest – it could take a while. Once it’s all out though, the Hen – like all in the Chicken family – are very soft and unlikely to hold grudges. It’s rare that a Rooster or Hen will have anyone they really hate.
The Hen will also try to create perfection in people. She can be highly critical and look like she is nitpicking your flaws but she is only doing this because she cares – she can’t bear to see that you’re not doing your level best or making mistakes that hold you back, and she will do everything she can to make you change that. This fastidiousness will also mean that you can be assured that she always has your back. She’ll be the first to extend her hand to help you up, offer a kind word of encouragement and give you advice, even if you never asked for it.
Whether he does make it big in life, or succeed only on an ordinary level in life, the Rooster will never cease to be passionate in life and a hard, tireless, energetic worker. His stamina alone is incredible. Combined with the unmissable qualities of being brightly-colored, controversial, outspoken and deeply committed, the Rooster’s flair will most definitely provoke a reaction in you – you’ll either be completely in love with him or hate the very ground he walks on.
Five Different Types of the Rooster
Metal Rooster (1921, 1981) - The Rooster’s reasoning power will never fail to amaze you. His passion towards his work is reflected in his exacting attitude and hard work. Although idealistic and optimistic, he is also no less practical.
Like most Rooster, the metal Rooster is stubborn, opinionated and finds it difficult to accommodate differing views from others but ironically has a strong need to be accepted and famous. He uses his eloquence to drown the voices of others. He loses his objectivity when his ego is challenged. This is his greatest downfall as his talents can be wasted if he cannot get along with people. It would do him a lot of good if he can learn how to compromise and be more open to the views of others.
He can be outwardly loud but he is quite private with his feelings. He likes order and cleanliness in his environment. Although attracted to material wealth, he also finds fulfillment in using his talents and resources for work that brings about the betterment of mankind.
Water Rooster (1933, 1993) - Charismatic, eloquent and inspiring, the water Rooster has no problem enrolling people to assist him in his chosen cause. He is extremely motivated and has great initiative.
The water element in him makes him reasonable and practical when solving problems. He is less critical than other types of Rooster. He is highly efficient and meticulous but sometimes he forgets the bigger picture and gets lost in details.
Wood Rooster (1945, 2005) - The Wood Rooster is more open, less headstrong and less fixated on his views. However, he can expect too much of others when he expects them to have the same enthusiasm, energy and commitment as himself. Despite his noble intentions, he sometimes puts people off with his over imposing attitude.
He is result oriented, honest and has integrity. He is not above doing his bit for social welfare. He has a strong need for an agreeable environment and harmony and likes to work closely with people. However, he will not think twice about speaking his mind if provoked. It would do him good if he is not overambitious.
Fire Rooster (1897, 1957) - The Fire Rooster is highly charged, independent, organised and authoritative. He is a strong leader and manager and prefers to rely on his own findings rather than the opinions of others especially where finances are concerned. He can be inflexible, uncompromising and untrusting at times resulting in commotions when he has to deal with people.
However, despite his negative traits, he has the ability to project a good public image and has the best of intentions.
Earth Rooster (1909, 1969) - The Earth Rooster tends to rely on his own findings and judgment in carrying out his work. He is not afraid of huge responsibilities. He is very direct and not the type to beat around the bush. He has missionary tendencies and loves to enroll people into the cause he believes in. He doesn’t mind austerity if he finds meaning and purpose in his work.
Highly organized, industrious and critical, he would fare better if he was less unrealistic in his aspirations.
Seasons of the Rooster
The Spring Roosters is curious and highly outspoken especially if he are born during the day. He thrives on challenging tasks and venturing into the unknown. Meticulous, tenacious and have long attention span, he is a good student and teacher. When investigating something, he is extremely thorough and will leave no stones unturned.
The evening born Spring Roosters is quieter. He would usually give an opinion after thorough thought, research and investigation.
The Summer Rooster is an action oriented Rooster who never run out of things to talk about. He is extremely good at seeing the bigger picture and assessing situations. He is courageous, resourceful, dedicated but sometimes tends to take life a bit too seriously. He is also highly responsible and precise.
The Autumn Rooster is extremely hardworking, careful, intellectual and guarded but at the same time highly curious. He is conservative, like routines and would rather not venture into unthreaded path. Those born during dawn and dusk tend to be loud while their evening born counterparts are more subdued. Regardless of the time of the day they are born, the Autumn Rooster seems to have a knack of standing out in the crowd.
The Winter Rooster is analytical, scientific, intelligent and inquisitive but may not be that great in practical chores. He is the reserved type and would only confide in a few trusted people. When his mood is down, he can be quite petty.
Generally he is very careful with money but is willing to spend when there is a necessity. He is not averse to taking responsibilities and does not mind doing more than his fair share.
Characters of the Rooster Child
The Rooster child is self motivated, quick, hardworking, inquisitive, intelligent and precise. He will pursue any work of his choice with great enthusiasm. He is systematic and has great attention to details, opinionated, self discipline and thrifty with money.
He is also demanding, alert, and authoritative and dislikes weakness in others. Once he fixes his mind on something, no amount of persuasion can sway him away from his intended purpose. A typical Rooster, he is talented, a risk taker, highly stubborn and full of idiosyncrasies. He is quite adamant about being right all the time and not very receptive to feedback. He can be quite extreme in his outlook. The middle path is not something he would favour.
The Rooster and His Ascendants
In Chinese horoscopes, a person born during different periods of the day will have an effect on his/her overall personality in various degrees.
For every individual, their personality has a centered “self” and many layers around it. Each layer has a different size, texture and aura, and when combined, it makes up who the person truly is.
Each period of time during the day corresponds to a different Chinese horoscope. So, although it is a person’s individual choice on which path he will take in life, there may perhaps be other “inner voices” which will influence him. These “inner voices”, “other self” or “inner struggle” comes from their conflicting ascendants.
E.g. A Rooster born in the hours of the Ox. In this case, the individual may experience both animal traits to different degrees, hence the conflict.
Your local time should be used when determining your ascendant.
11PM - 1AM: The Rat Hours
With the rat element in him, the Rooster is more accommodating and pleasant. He is inquisitive, charming and helpful to those in need. On the other hand, he can be highly critical and argumentative if you disagree with him. He places too much attention to details to the extent he forgets his original intention.
1AM - 3AM: The Ox Hours
Although down-to-earth due to the Ox influence, he can be very bossy and critical to people who don’t comply with his ways. He is tenacious, purposeful, reliable, careful with money and patient but not very receptive to change or feedback from others. He has a tendency to want to take on everything himself and keep his feelings to himself.
3AM - 5AM: The Tiger Hours
Having the conflicting influence of the Rooster’s analytical tendency and the Tiger’s passionate ways, he can be very fickle about what he truly wants. He can be outspoken and fearless but at the same time have the tendency of being too assertive, insensitive and over imposing on others.
5AM - 7AM: The Rabbit Hours
The Rabbit influence tones down the Rooster aggressive nature. He tend to be less critical and more harmonious with others. It would help him if he listens to his Rabbit peaceful inner voice and refrain from being too impulsive.
7AM - 9AM: The Dragon Hours
The Dragon element can make the Rooster very aggressive and courageous. He will make a great leader and many people would love to follow him. He may expect too much from people and push people away. It would help the Rooster very much if he learns to accept people as they are.
9AM - 11AM: The Snake Hours
The Snake Rooster is wise, tenacious, decisive and cunning but reserved and resent people trying to invade his privacy. He is also philosophical, contemplative and spiritual.
11AM - 1PM: The Horse Hours
The Horse Snake is sharp and quick. Both signs are flamboyant but the horse element makes the Rooster more practical. Although he is independent and engaging, he can be erratic and impatient too.
1PM - 3PM: The Sheep Hours
The sheep element tones down the strong personality of the Rooster. He is less outspoken, kinder, more helpful, friendlier and consequently more popular. However, he can still be very critical when provoked.
3PM - 5PM: The Monkey Hours
The Monkey Rooster is more easy going and compromising than most Roosters. He clever, resourceful, extremely optimistic in his outlook. To him if there is a will there is always a way.
5PM - 7PM: The Rooster Hours
With the Rooster as the ascendant, all characteristics of the Rooster are exaggerated. He is highly critical of others, has extreme attention to details, very hardworking, tenacious and eccentric. He has the best of intentions but can be very difficult to deal with when his mood is down.
7PM - 9PM: The Dog Hours
The dog element injects some friendliness into the egoistic Rooster but can make him calculative and unpredictable. He is still fixated in his view and would be unlikely to budge once he sets his mind on something. However, he is very conscientious and has a great deal of compassion for others.
9PM - 11PM: The Boar Hours
The Boar Rooster is quite selfless but can be overzealous in wanting to help others. His Boar nature makes him flamboyant, outgoing and indulgent but the Rooster in him keeps him in line where discipline is concerned.
When Moon Signs Meets Sun Signs
In addition to ascendants, there is also another additional factor which affects an individual's personality: the sun signs. The sun signs, or the Western zodiac sign, parallels the Chinese lunar signs. Based on the month and season of the Rooster, it is paired with Sagittarius and thereafter the rest of the sun signs are paired with the concurrent moon signs accordingly.
SAGITTARIUS: 22 November to 21 December
Fire + Negative Metal = Sagittarian Rooster
The Sagittarian Rooster has very high standards. He is highly ambitious, quick in making decisions, loves to talk, outspoken and very adamant when he wants to get a point across. He is can be brutally honest but he is very kind and always willing to help any soul in need.
CAPRICORN: 22 December to 20 January
Earth + Negative Metal = Capricorn Rooster
The Capricorn Rooster is direct, unpretentious, meticulous but fixated and righteous. He is ambitious and tenacious and will work to achieve his goals no matter how long it takes. Being the Rooster he is, he can be very critical of others.
AQUARIUS: 21 January to 19 February
Air + Negative Metal = Aquarian Rooster
The Aquarian Roosters is very direct and is least concern about what others may think of him. In fact, he likes the idea of being outrageous. Nevertheless, he is extremely generous at heart. He is adept in forward planning, very thorough and believes more in his own fact finding rather than hearsay.
PISCES: 20 February to 20 March
Water + Negative Metal = Pisces Rooster
The fish element makes the Rooster more subdued and cooperative. The Rooster is very explicit. What you see is what you get but the Pieces in him make him more public relation oriented and appeasing in nature. He is conservative and law abiding and will see to it that he get a balanced life of work and rest.
ARIES: 21 March to 19 April
Fire + Positive Metal = Aries Rooster
A very imposing personality, the Aries Rooster stands out wherever he goes. Totally unpretentious, what you see is what you get. Honesty and integrity is his trademark. He is a charismatic and aggressive but a considerate leader that will never ask of anyone what he is not capable of himself.
TAURUS: 20 April to 20 May
Earth + Negative Metal = Taurean Rooster
The Taurean Rooster has inexhaustible energy and is very serious in how he views his life. With the Taurean influence, the Rooster is less critical and even has a sense of humour. He is a conscientious worker who is always timely or ahead of time in his work.
GEMINI: 21 May to 21 June
Air + Negative Metal = Gemini Rooster
The Gemini Rooster is brutally frank to others but can be very sensitive when he is at the receiving end of frank remarks from others. This influence of the Gemini sign results in a spontaneous, outgoing, organized, practical and well intentioned Rooster. He tends to look at the bright side of things and is witty and humorous.
CANCER: 22 June to 21 July
Water + Negative Metal = Cancerian Rooster
The Cancerian Rooster is warm, caring, kind and motherly. The Cancerian kindness helps the Rooster to express his good intentions in a way that is more acceptable to others. Tenacity being his strength, he will let nothing stop him from achieving his goals. This Cancerian Rooster is more intuitive and diplomatic in his speech.
LEO: 22 July to 21 August
Fire + Negative Metal = Leo Rooster
The Leo Rooster is just as determined to get his way as he is to achieve success. A person of this mix has all the necessary ingredients for success. However, his over imposing personality may be too overwhelming for others which are fortunately diluted by his charm and charisma. He is much sought after as a leader.
VIRGO: 22 August to 22 September
Earth + Negative Metal = Virgo Rooster
The Virgo Rooster is extremely down to earth but eccentric. He is a logical thinker, very knowledgeable and result oriented but he is very critical and inclined to find faults. However, rest assured of his good intentions. His criticism is meant to help you and can be constructive if you take it positively
LIBRA: 23 September to 22 October
Air + Negative Metal = Libran Rooster
The Libran influence moderates the Rooster’s extreme character. The Libran Rooster is eloquent but at the same time diplomatic. He is more receptive to the views of others and more agreeable with people. He is generally a happy and popular Rooster but can be indecisive as the Libran scale in him is always trying to weigh the good and bad of a decision.
SCORPIO: 23 October to 21 November
Water + Negative Water = Scorpio Rooster
The Scorpio Rooster has high emotional strength but is very independent and fixated. Compromise is not in his vocabulary and he is the type that wants to win at all cost. He is not bothered about being unpopular and prefers his own company. His detective tendency never leaves any stones unturned. He is fearless, passionate, sensual and intense. With all these qualities, the Scorpio Rooster is a natural winner.
Compatibility and Conflict
The conflict and compatibility chart helps indicate complementary or conflicting horoscope signs. There are often 2 other complementary signs for each horoscope and one conflicting sign for every individual sign. The way to determine this is to place each of the 12 signs in a circle and the sign that is opposite of each other are conflicting, while the signs that form a triangle within that circle are the complementary signs. Aside from these 3 signs, the rest of the signs are compatible but in varying degrees.
The Rooster is part of the Second Triangle of Affinity comprising the Snake, Ox and Rooster. These three are the most intellectual signs of the cycle and are most likely to listen to their head rather than their heart. They depend more on their own assessment and always take hearsay with a pinch of salt. They are independent by nature and strive to achieve great heights. These three signs tend to seek out each other for marriage and friendship.
People born in the year of the Rabbit or has Rabbit as their ascendant has the most serious conflict with the Rooster. The metal element in the Rooster and the wood element in Rabbit do not mix well together. Their thinking and outlook are totally different.
Apart from the Snake, Ox and Rabbit, the other lunar signs are compatible with the Rooster in different degrees.
There is little chance of harmony between the Rat and the Rooster. The Rooster likes to criticize and the Rat is extremely petty. It is almost impossible for friendship to develop in such a disharmonious environment. However, if they share a common ascendant or one sign have the other sign as an ascendant, the chances of success may be greater.
They have so much in common that they can either like or hate each other. Both are competitive, attracted to fame and love controversies. However, the Rooster is jealous of the Tiger’s popularity and the Tiger cannot stand the Rooster always wanting to make a big issue out of small matters.
The Dragon is attracted to the Rooster’s talents and the Rooster is fascinated by the Dragon’s enthusiasm and presence. The success of their partnership depends on whether they have reasonable expectation of each other. The fearless Dragon is not affected by the Rooster criticism. The Rooster’s skill in planning and the Dragon’s fighting abilities can make them formidable partners.
In the Horse Rooster relationship, if the Rooster is the dominant partner, he can be extremely controlling. If instead the Horse is the dominant partner, he will find the Rooster too argumentative and critical. The Rooster is anal about getting all his facts before acting while the horse amazes the Rooster with his speedy unconventional way.
The sheep’s need to be courted and praised irritates the disciplinarian and task master in the Rooster. The Rooster dominance would be too imposing for the sheep. The sheep being hypersensitive would find it hard to take the Rooster’s blunt criticism. It would be difficult to forge a moderately cordial partnership unless they share the same ascendant.
The Monkey is not affected by the Rooster’s criticism and would even go to the extent to praise the Rooster if it is what it takes to get what he wants. However, the Rooster’s need for details can drive the Monkey crazy. The Monkey loves shortcut and quick fix to a situation but the Rooster may tend to overanalyze a situation before coming up with solution. The Monkey get bored easily as it does not have the rooster’s long attention span.
Rooster will only get along with another Rooster if they are of the same sex. Male Roosters are highly competitive with each other and may only end up in a big fight. Two Hens together would likely to result in the battle of criticism. Therefore Rooster and Rooster or Hen and Hen partnership has little likelihood of success.
The dog is intimidated by the Rooster’s controversial personality and outrageous behavior. However, the Dog can be loyal friend and supporter if the Rooster can make the Dog see his noble intentions.
The thick skinned pig is hardly affected by the Rooster’s criticism. The Rooster can give all the advice he wants and the pig does not mind entertaining him with a listening ear. The pig is naturally generous and forgiving while the Rooster can only be calmed down after he has said his piece. Generally the pig gets along with the Rooster as the pig accommodates the Rooster’s idiosyncrasies.
Famous Roosters
Faye Wong
Stanley Ho
Yoko Ono
Emperor Akihito Rod Stewart
Eric Clapton
Anna Kournikova
Britney Spears
Michelle Pfeiffer
Bette Midler
Melanie Griffith
Donny Osmond
Katharine Hepburn
Goldie Hawn
Larry King
Joan Rivers
Priscilla Presley
Elton John
Joan Colins
Gloria Estefan
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