Sunday, 8 May 2011



The Rabbit’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
29 January 1903 – 15 February 1904 / Water
14 February 1915 – 2 February 1916 / Wood
2 February 1927 – 22 January 1928 / Fire
19 February 1939 – 7 February 1940 / Earth
6 February 1951 – 26 January 1952 / Metal
25 January 1963 – 12 February 1964 / Water
11 February 1975 – 30 January 1976 / Wood
29 January 1987 – 16 February 1988 / Fire
16 February 1999 – 4 February 2000 / Earth
3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012 / Metal
22 January 2023 – 9 February 2024 / Water

Within the Chinese astrology, the Rabbit, or the Hare, is the fourth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Rabbit is parallel to that of Pisces. 

The Rabbit sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Spring, 20 February to 20 March, and 2 segments of the day, 5AM to 7AM. 

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Rabbit sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the East and fixed element is Wood.

The Personality of the Rabbit
There are many traits of a Rabbit which people envy. In the Chinese tradition, it is considered very lucky and auspicious to be born in the year of the Rabbit. They believe that this Lunar Sign signifies long life.
The Rabbit is intelligent, well-mannered and very diplomatic. This is due to the gracious and elegant nature of the Rabbit, who would hold his tongue even when matters displease him. The Rabbit knows when to speak and is very thorough, quiet and efficient worker. 

Although he likes to be on good terms with everyone, people will find it impossible to know what the Rabbit is truly thinking behind his or her pleasant demeanors. This plays to the Rabbit’s advantage in negotiation, of which is his strength. 

This strength supports a Rabbit to be very astute in business and monetary matters. He handles situation and activities with utmost care and caution, and coupled with the ability to constantly strike lucky in business – he will see himself rise the corporate ladders’ fast. If not so, he will still remain business savvy. 

This innate advantage will allow the Rabbit to obtain and maintain the luxuries in life. The Rabbit is a creature of comfort and places great importance on the house: furnishing, maintaining and fitting it with comforts. In this sense, the Rabbit may be considered to be rather self-indulgent. 

To the Rabbit’s loved ones, he will be loving and tender. To those whom the rabbit considers as outsiders, he can be ruthless. Especially when the Rabbit learns that someone is threatening his interests. 

The Rabbit enjoys being involved in good discussions and will seldom use harsh or vulgar words to make a point. Instead you will be sure to see the Rabbit being around company who appreciate the Rabbit’s witty sense of humour and well-groomed appearance. 

Despite people’s perception of the Rabbit, the Rabbit is never in a hurry to get anywhere. They are in control of themselves and will know when they need to take a rest, when they need to push themselves. Practical and methodical, you will not find the Rabbit without a thorough plan in mind or at hand for every challenge. They make good strategists and planners.  

Meticulous and always in control, things rarely escapes the Rabbit’s observation. The Rabbits are the ones who would likely take note of the all the things that the rest of us had not noticed. This same trait is translated into the way the Rabbits groom themselves as well. They do take great care in their appearance and attire. It is not unusual to find them smartly draped in elegant. This is perhaps why Rabbits are also never short of admirers. Although, Rabbits are generally pleasant and friendly, they may not always be warm and are apt to mood swings.

The Rabbit is known to be very blessed with good luck. They have an uncanny ability to be at the right place and at the right time more often than not. This trait helps the Rabbit to survive in any environment and situation. Security is of utmost importance to this hare sign. They will leap away from conflicts if they can help it. In essence, the Rabbit is a lover of survival and harmony. They will look for ways to maintain their beloved habitat, and to extend their longevity. 

Five Different Types of the Rabbit
Metal Rabbit (1951, 2011) - This Rabbit knows what he needs to do to get what he wants out of life.  Metal Rabbits are determined and ambitious, coupled by their capability to accomplish what they set out to do. This Rabbit will not be found sharing his thoughts and feelings with everyone. He likes to keep his plans to himself. Cunning and shrewd in business, this Rabbit certainly knows how to make full use of his situation. This may explain why Metal Rabbits only keep a small but close circle of loyal friends. Metal Rabbits are known to be collectors of great art works, aided by their good taste and discerning eye. 

Water Rabbit (1903, 1963) - Armed with photographic memory, this rabbit is precise and thorough in everything that he sets out to do. However, due to his emotional nature, his opinions and judgment could be flawed. This Rabbit is highly intuitive and sensitive to those around him. This makes him popular, but he runs the risk of being over-empathetic to the point of indecisiveness. In some instances, he may even become ‘brain-washed’ by others. On the downside, his negative emotional state could lead him to indulge in self-pity. On the upside, his positive emotional state would win him many allies and support for all his ventures. The Water Rabbit’s greatest battle will be within. If he wins the battle within, he will not be short of resources and influence.

Wood Rabbit (1915, 1975) - This is the most adaptable of all the Rabbits. He is easy to like and easy-going and feels a strong need to belong to a group. Thus, he will do well in any large organizations or corporations. However, he may not be so open to expressing his views, as he does not want to offend anyone and he finds authority rather intimidating. He would rather maintain the status quo than rock the boat.  At times, others may take advantage of his charitable nature. Thus, it is advisable for the Wood Rabbit to be more discerning and decisive so that others would not prey on him.  In order to garner respect, a Wood Rabbit must know when to give in and when to stand firm.

Fire Rabbit (1927, 1987) - The fire element makes this Rabbit the most expressive of all in the hare sign. He can articulate his ideas very well. This is especially when it comes to making passionate speeches. However, the fire element can also make him somewhat temperamental. If he takes care in not becoming too emotional, he will have no problems winning a lot of friends and support. His high intuitive nature also helps him in reading the thoughts and feelings of those around him. He may even possess psychic abilities. Although he possesses strength of character above all other rabbits, he excels when he has the complete support and approval of his family, peers and friends. 

Earth Rabbit (1939, 1999) - This hare is the most serious and perseverant of all the rabbits. His prioritizes his goals before any emotional matters of the heart. Every move he makes has been deliberated and calculated with precision. He takes no chances. He prides himself on having a rational and realistic perspective of life. 

His attitude towards his work is the same as his attitude towards his personal life. He does not share his problems with others but feels that he needs to work through them on his own. The Earth Rabbit’s main concern is his own well-being. Hence, he will work with determination to further his own interests, learning and longevity. However, he runs the risk of being indifferent to the needs of others in this respect. He will admit his mistakes and take on a humble approach to constantly improving himself. 

After all, continued improvement is part and parcel of his survival.  

Seasons of the Rabbit
Spring Rabbits are happiest when working in a group, rather than solo. This is not to say that they cannot perform independently. They just shine best when placed in group-activities. These Rabbits are quick, bright, happy-go-lucky sociable individuals. An artistic career will most likely appeal to them. 

Being the type who would keep himself up to date with the latest information and advancements in technologies, he would know how to take full advantage of all that is around him. Nothing rarely ever gets this Rabbit down. They always look on the brighter side of life.

Summer Rabbits are creatures of comfort and harmony. They do not like conflicts, disturbances and anything that threatens their serene environment. They prefer to walk away from any confrontation and would do all they can to avoid any problems or troubles. These Rabbits are not warriors but skilled negotiators and communicators. Their love for the ease and luxuries in life make them very reluctant to fight. In essence, all rabbits are ambassadors for peace. Hence, the best way to avoid or stop any war is to send in the Summer Rabbits for peace talks with the other side.  

Summer Rabbits are more business-minded than the other rabbits. They are adverse to taking risks and must understand the complete picture before making a decision. Their quiet demeanors mask a cunning and shrewd nature. Although they know how to be thoughtful and considerate, they have no qualms manipulating others to get what they want. These Rabbits are the ultimate corporate investors. They have the patience to wait and will sniff out the best investments. Everything they do would have been thoroughly thought out, all risks assessed with all escape clauses marked out and alternative plans ready in hand. Nothing is left to chance.

Nothing escapes the Winter Rabbits. They are highly observant and take nothing for granted. Winter Rabbits are even more careful and calculated than their Autumn fellow rabbits. They will not accept more than they can chew. These Rabbits also possess the classic ‘poker face’. No one can tell what is brewing in their minds. They do not seek the counsel of others, nor would they allow others to influence them. They rely heavily on their own logic and insights. Every move made would have been well calculated before hand. They are extremely talented in reading consumer and market trends. They may not strike as fast but they will not fall into any bad investments or schemes. Hence, they not get rich as swiftly but they will definitely amass a great deal of wealth in due time.  

Characters of the Rabbit Child 
Parents of the Rabbit child will find little trouble in disciplining him. The Rabbit child will be fairly obedient and mild tempered. It will not be surprising to find the child entertaining himself with his toys or books on his own. He will not be causing too much trouble at school either. Generally, the Rabbit child is intelligent to adjust himself to his parents’ moods and is keenly observant of all that is around him.

His quick wit and unobtrusive manner will definitely help him get what he wants without creating much fuss or hassle to his parents and teachers. As the Rabbit child is not very vocal, it may be a challenge to decipher his thoughts and feelings at times. However, the Rabbit child will know when and how to say what he needs to say in order to get what he wants. At every chance he gets, he will always try to get a better deal for himself.

Even as a child, the Rabbit will be able to protect himself and his possessions. One will be able to spot the Rabbit’s survival skills from young. He is resilient and capable of bouncing back from any mistakes or falls. He will not hesitate to start again from the beginning. His persistent nature can be seen from early on. 

Parents will find that their Rabbit child will be easily accepted wherever he goes and even well liked by those around him – be it at home or at school. Nurturing this child’s strengths from early on will help the child to become a wonderful Rabbit adult. In identifying his flaws and weaknesses, the parents of the Rabbit child can transform them into his strengths as well. After all, Rabbits are true survivors. So, they can adapt to a dynamic environment easily.    

The Rabbit and His Ascendants 
In Chinese horoscopes, a person born during different periods of the day will have an affect on his/her overall personality in various degrees.

For every individual, their personality has a centered “self” and many layers around it. Each layer has a different size, texture and aura, and when combined, it makes up who the person truly is. 

Each period of time during the day corresponds to a different Chinese horoscope. So, although it is a person’s individual choice on which path he will take in life, there may perhaps be other “inner voices” which will influence him. These “inner voices”, “other self” or “inner struggle” comes from their conflicting ascendants.

E.g. A Rooster born in the hours of the Ox. In this case, the individual may experience both animal traits to different degrees, hence the conflict.

Your local time should be used when determining your ascendant. 

11PM - 1AM: The Rat Hours
Those Rabbits born within this time frame are often a valuable source of advice and opinions. People generally come to them for guidance. These rabbits rather keep a small company of close friends and families, than mingle in big groups. Although the Rat element will make these rabbits less withdrawn, they will not venture into anything alone. They prefer to have the support and backing of their network of close-knit partners. 

1AM - 3AM: The Ox Hours 
The Ox elements will influence these rabbits to be more stern and stubborn in their attitudes. However, if utilized well, the Ox elements can provide these rabbits the self-discipline and power to help them excel in their chosen fields. However, if used wrongly, then these rabbits will come across as inflexible and uncompromising. Therefore, it would be in their best interest to take on an open communicative approach. With the Ox’s help, these rabbits would be able to execute all their plans with more power and confidence. 

3AM - 5AM: The Tiger Hours 
While the rabbits’ natural behaviour will always aim for poise, culture and style, the Tiger elements will influence them to be more aggressive. Tigers are more impulsive than the rabbits and they will likely pounce on every chance they get. Hence, it would be wise for the rabbits to check with clarity before they make that leap. With the positive combination of the swift and aggressive Tiger, these rabbits can be also quick in their thinking and action. They can also be fast in their ability to recover after a fall, and bounce back into full swing.

5AM - 7AM: The Rabbit Hours 
Those born within this time frame become an authentic Rabbit. Thereby, amplifying the Rabbit’s strengths as well as their weaknesses. These rabbits may be found sitting on the fence, unable to make a decision or take a stand. As they value harmony, they will definitely avoid all conflicts and confrontations like the plague. However, if these rabbits can utilize their strengths well, they can become wise advisors like a sage or an excellent philosopher. Their counsel and advice will be well sought after. They could help others a great deal in this way. 

7AM - 9AM: The Dragon Hours 
The Dragon elements provide the rabbits with immense strength and confidence. These rabbits will be much more resilient than other rabbits. Due to the Dragon’s influence, these rabbits are able to rouse support from the masses and they may even follow these rabbits to the ends of the earth. However, these rabbits need to take heed not to be consumed by the Dragon’s fiery breath and become forceful. Otherwise, they will lose the enduring support of their followers or partners. A more amiable approach would serve these rabbits’ best interests well.

9AM - 11AM: The Snake Hours 
The Snake will influence these rabbits to be more withdrawn than most rabbits. They would be highly aware of their surroundings but will not likely seek the opinions of others. They are sociable but introverted. Hence, one will not find these rabbits opening up and disclosing intimate details about themselves to others. Graceful but given to mood swings. These are rather pensive rabbits. As the rabbit’s innate nature will make them self-sufficient, these rabbits born during the Snake hours will be mysterious, passionate and even religious. 

11AM - 1PM: The Horse Hours 
The Horse elements can enhance both good and bad in the rabbits. Hence, it largely depends on how the hares will be able to control themselves. On the upside, the Horse brings confidence and sharpens the rabbits’ intuition. On the downside, the Horse can influence the rabbits to be very impatient and leap on a short fuse when communicating with others. They can get upset very easily and quickly. Without reigning-in the horses’ negativities, these rabbits can become self-centered and self-serving. Knowing when to spur or leash-in the horses’ elements will help these rabbits become more easy-going and cooperative with those around them.

1PM - 3PM: The Sheep Hours
The Sheep elements will turn these rabbits into creatures that crave beauty, comfort and life on the refined lane. This may pose a risk to these rabbits to spend beyond their income. Both the Sheep and Rabbit will enhance these hares’ artistic passions and talents. These rabbits would be more sympathetic and generous than the rest. Hence, they will become very disillusioned and hurt when others exploit or abuse their forgiving nature. Hence, these rabbits will do well to be guided by strong mentors who will help them to stand up for themselves when necessary. 

3PM - 5PM: The Monkey Hours 
The combination of the Monkey and Rabbit makes this hare of the hour very witty and crafty. Do not be fooled by the adorable rabbit’s appearance, the monkey’s elements make him highly intelligent and mischievous. One may never know what’s plotting in between their long fluffy ears. When utilized well, the Monkey’s elements can help these Rabbits to be very creative, quick witted and resourceful. 

5PM - 7PM: The Rooster Hours 
The Rooster is actually in direct conflict with those born under the Rabbit sign. However, being born within the Rooster hours will influence these Rabbits to be more daring than their fellow hares. These Rabbits will be very direct in their speech, without much concern for what others may think. Nor will the consequences of their words bother them too much. Rabbits born of this hour will also find themselves attracted to those born of the Rooster signs, even though they may be in direct conflict. Nevertheless, this combination helps these Rabbits to be highly intelligent and perceptive. They will analyze their situation thoroughly and meticulously. 

7PM - 9PM: The Dog Hours 
When combining the Dog’s loyal and friendly elements with the Rabbit’s inclination for harmony, the result is a more giving and committed Rabbit. This Rabbit will be more considerate of others and are easier to like. The protective nature of the Dog will balance off the self-preservation tendencies of the Rabbit. Hence, the personality becomes more honorable and steadfast. This Rabbit will actually be concerned with the well being of others. 

9PM - 11PM: The Boar Hours
Here, the Rabbit’s self-centered nature will take a back seat. The Boar’s generous and charitable elements will influence this rabbit to donate, sponsor and volunteer to non-profit seeking ventures or tasks. Such as social causes, fund raising for the less fortunate and etc. Thereby making this hare more popular and kind-hearted. The Boar elements will also turn the Rabbit to be out-going and a party animal.

When Moon Signs Meets Sun Signs 
In addition to ascendants, there is also another additional factor which affects an individual's personality: the sun signs. The sun signs, or the Western zodiac sign, parallels the Chinese lunar signs. Based on the month and season of the Rat, it is paired with Sagittarius and thereafter the rest of the sun signs are paired with the concurrent moon signs accordingly.

SAGITTARIUS: 22 November to 21 December 
Fire + Negative Wood = Sagittarian Rabbit

The Sagittarian’s love of travel and freedom will ensure that this Rabbit travels a great deal. The passport pages will soon run out. Both of their natural elements will greatly enhance this Rabbit’s ability to understand with depth and breadth that other rabbits find difficult to grasp. Even points of conflicts and contrast. With the archer’s help, these Rabbits will enjoy the company of various friends and people from all walks of life. Their lives will be filled with adventure and fun. The Rabbit’s natural inclination for discretion and harmony will soften the archer’s bold ways. He can remain calculating and daring without being obvious. 

CAPRICORN: 22 December to 20 January 
Earth + Negative Wood = Capricorn Rabbit

The Capricorn is usually prudent and holds a high moral ground. Thus, making this Rabbit more conscientious but it will not stop him from acquiring all the best deals for himself. This Rabbit will be greatly aided by the firm resolve of the Goat. He will know how to make friends with the most influential people and take full advantage of his good luck. Although these rabbits are generally calm, they will not hesitate resorting to tough negotiations. Slowly but surely, this Rabbit will succeed in everything he sets out to do.

AQUARIUS: 21 January to 19 February
Air + Negative Wood = Aquarian Rabbit 

The Water Bearer brings much delightful elements to the Rabbit. The Aquarian Rabbit possesses an investigative mind. He will not shy away from explorations and will not be labeled as over-sensitive. This Rabbit will always look towards the brighter side of life. His glass will always be half full. As both signs are highly intuitive, these Rabbits have an uncanny ability to read people and situations very well. They may even develop reputable premonitions if they cultivate this talent well. Together, the qualities of these two sign will enable the Rabbits to be thoroughly involved with their environment and live out a rich life.

PISCES: 20 February to 20 March
Water + Negative Wood = Piscean Rabbit 

The world is like a dream to the Piscean Rabbit. Their perspective of life is highlighted by imagination, ideals and beautiful poetry. They are essentially bright, soulful and artistic to the point of being very picky about how they want their habitats to be like. These Rabbits are very attached to the refined side of life and may even come across as narcissistic. Behind their reserved and humble appearances hide a sharp and perceptive mind. They will work hard to maintain their luxurious status quo. These Rabbits will not hesitate to avert all harm and troubles from them to someone else. 

ARIES: 21 March to 19 April
Fire + Negative Wood = Aries Rabbit

These Rabbits may not move as fast as other rabbits but they will get things done in the end, but under their own terms. They possess a calm disposition but with the strength of will that others may not suspect. These Rabbits’ enthusiasm is sustained in a gradual timely manner, but not in bursts of sparks. They will buy their time and strike when they are fully ready. However, do not expect their words of valour to be translated into courageous action. In essence, they are kind and decent souls. 

TAURUS: 20 April to 20 May
Earth + Negative Wood = Taurean Rabbit 

The Rabbit’s less aggressive nature will influence the Bull to be less demanding and imposing. This Rabbit is more concerned with winning the vote of the majority by his charms, and not through force. The Rabbit’s intuitive nature will provide him with sharp insights into the people around him. However, he should take care not to give in to the obstinate moodiness of the Bull. Instead, capitalizing in the Bull’s strength to enable him take on much more heavy tasks and duties. This will help this Rabbit achieve greater heights in life. 

GEMINI: 21 May to 21 June
Air + Negative Wood = Gemini Rabbit

The combination of the Twins and the Rabbit makes up a powerful personality. This Rabbit is convincing and articulate with discerning intelligence. They can express themselves and their ideas with passion. These two signs share the excellent ability to analyze their ventures and calculate the result with accuracy. The Rabbit will formulate the most optimum ways to execute each plan that reaps maximum benefits without much effort, while the Twins will find the best deals and ventures for the Rabbit to work on. Their elements certainly make a most enterprising hare. 

CANCER: 22 June to 21 July
Water + Negative Wood = Cancerian Rabbit 

This is a fragile and delicate Rabbit. Although these Rabbits are kind natured, they grow very attached to things and people they like. They will suffer serious separation issues as they have a lot of trouble letting go. They find comfort and security in all things familiar and unchanging. Sudden changes will stress them out severely. In their lifetime, they will form few but lasting friendships. These Rabbits are very self-absorbed in their own affairs and would not take kindly being pulled into controversies or conflicts. They can be quite harsh and hard when this happens. Although they possess good foresight and perception, they prefer to assess situations from a well-protected distance. When things do not go well, the Cancerian Rabbit may brood and indulge in self-pity. They should learn to accept that impermanence is part of life and trust in their own ability to survive. 

LEO: 22 July to 21 August
Fire + Negative Wood = Leo Rabbit 

The Lion gives the Rabbit a strong regal leadership prowess. They are cool and yet aggressive, making them magnificently appealing. Though one will not find these Leo Rabbits to make war brazenly, they will rather achieve their goals by their charms. They seem to have uncanny ability to perform the right deeds at the right time to produce the right effect or impact. These Rabbits are filled with the lion pride to the point of being quite selfish. Hence, it is not surprising to find that they value their own leisure activities greatly. They can be found indulging in expensive distraction of sorts.

VIRGO: 22 August to 22 September
Earth + Negative Wood = Virgo Rabbit 

The Virgin influences the Rabbit to be more cautious and organized. This Rabbit will be more stable and virtuous than his fellow rabbits. The Virgo Rabbit takes great pleasure in doing everything that is dictated in the book, without even denting the rules. These Rabbits are reflective but practical. They do whatever it takes to complete a task with the least hassle. This may just be the most solitary Rabbit in the clan. They prefer the quiet solitude but won’t shy away from profitable ventures or commitments. In essence, they are realistic in their views of life and happiness.

LIBRA: 23 September to 22 October
Air + Negative Wood = Libran Rabbit

The Libran Rabbit loves the icing on the cake, but much more than that, they want to keep the whole cake. As long as it is possible, they would like to have it all. They are naturally attracted to the refined side of life and all that comes with it. The combination of Libra and Rabbit makes this hare very popular. They have little difficulty in establishing friendships and relationships. However, they are adverse to settling down into a long term serious relationship. These Rabbits are intelligent and sharp in their thoughts. Despite their love for luxury, they are power monger or gold diggers. They are practical and sensible, but with good taste. 

SCORPIO: 23 November to 21 December
Water + Negative Wood = Scorpion Rabbit

Beneath the unassuming demeanor of the Rabbit lies the intense and erotic nature of the Scorpion. Hence, what one sees might not be what one will get in this Scorpion Rabbit. The demure appearance of the Rabbit cloaks the underlying strong emotions of the Scorpio. When this Rabbit is crossed, all hell will break lose and he will be most unforgiving. However, the Rabbit in him will find ways to salvage the remains of his wounded dignity whenever required. After all, this Rabbit’s face value is of utmost importance to him. At times, it will difficult for the hare to control the constant battle of the opposing forces within him between the Scorpio’s volatility and the Rabbit’s yearning for peace.  

Compatibility and Conflict
The conflict and compatibility chart helps indicate complementary or conflicting horoscope signs. There are often 2 other complementary signs for each horoscope and one conflicting sign for every individual sign. The way to determine this is to place each of the 12 signs in a circle and the sign that is opposite of each other are conflicting, while the signs that form a triangle within that circle are the complementary signs. Aside from these 3 signs, the rest of the signs are compatible but in varying degrees.

As long as the Rat and Rabbit are united in common interests and goals, they have no problems getting along famously. Otherwise, they are in for a serious bumpy ride as both are just as scheming and superficial in areas where there are no real gains for them. The Rat will try to out smart the Rabbit at every chance he gets. However the Rabbit will prove too smooth for the Rat.

Do not expect fireworks and sparks of passion to fly here. The Ox is way too reserved and shy to make any bold moves. The Rabbit is just as bashful as well. Unless they are both anchored on strong mutual interests, neither will be find the other that appealing. The Ox will not be impressed by the Rabbit’s appreciation for comforts and luxury. And the Rabbit will find the Ox’s minimal look somewhat offensive. 

The Cat will come across as too crass and loud for the Rabbit’s preference for convention and discretion. In fact, the Rabbit might even find the Tiger’s rashness and fiery temper too scandalous. These two share very opposing personalities and traits. Neither will be able to tolerate the other. 

Generally, all Rabbits get along well with their own kind. Their love for peace and harmony will ensure that they always act with courtesy and tact towards one another. It is much easier for them to understand each other as they value the same things. Hence, there is no real power struggle between two rabbits. On occasions, they can be indifferent towards one another when their feelings are wounded. However, given sufficient time and space to heal, all will be well again. 

Again, sharing the same causes and interests will bring the dragon together with the Rabbit. Otherwise, they will experience ego clashes and power struggles. The Rabbit will inadvertently find the Dragon too dominating. Though neither is petty or vindictive, they will only strive to see the bigger picture if they share that big picture. However, this relationship can only work if the Rabbit is willing to accommodate the Dragon’s ego and manage the Dragon’s nature to impose, the Rabbit will be able to get what he wants in the relationship.

In order for this relationship to endure, both the Snake and Rabbit must be willing to work at it and have the wisdom to rise above their challenges. If they share the same ascendant, they will have a higher chance of succeeding in making this union last. If they don’t, then theirs is a relationship of tolerance in order to get something done or achieve a mutual goal.  

The Rabbit will find the Horse too unpredictable and even dangerous to be around. The Horse is too blunt for the Rabbit’s taste. The hare does not share the horse’s love for excitement and danger. Hence, these two will not be able to agree on what’s truly important to them.  The Rabbit will definitely not follow the Horse’s lead as he finds the horse undependable. 

Though they may be attracted to one another, they will face an eternal problem of trusting one another. Their relationship will be likely plagued with differences and jealousies. The only time the Monkey will really dazzle the Rabbit is when the Monkey needs something from the Rabbit. And the only time the Rabbit will feel compelled to help the Monkey is when the Rabbit sees how he can benefit from it.

This is one of the more enduring and rewarding union in the charts. This pair will have little problems in establishing trust in one another. The Rabbit appreciates the Dog’s loyal nature. And The Dog values the Rabbit’s love for peace and harmony. Neither will be too threatening and hostile towards the other. They will find amicable ways to settle any disagreements that they have, and work for mutual understanding. Otherwise, they will gladly part without fuss and drama.  

Famous Rabbits 
Jet Li
Donnie Yen
Johnny Depp
David Beckham
Gordon Brown
Michael Buble
Fidel Castro
Albert Einstein
Angelina Jolie
Michael Jordan
John Keats
Michelle Obama
Brad Pitt
George Orwell
J. R. Tolkien
Queen Victoria
Orson Welles
Tiger Woods
Kate Winslet
Edith Piaff
Mike Myers

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