Friday, 29 July 2011

Italian Beauty Secrets

One of the most beautiful Italian... no one of the most beautiful women in the world shares her beauty secrets!! But my mamma had the best tip that anyone for anyone budget can have. She told me to be confident. Even the most beautiful woman is less attractive because she is not confident... and Italian women are very confident! ;-)
Hair Care
She usually washes her hair twice a week and dilutes her shampoo with water at that, as Monica thinks that concentrated shampoo is harmful for hair. Also Monica Bellucci tries to blow dry her hair as seldom as possible. So she prefers to set her hair only when she makes public appearances. Besides before washing her hair Monica Bellucci always applies olive oil to the hair roots.
Skin Care
Every morning Monica Bellucci begins with taking a cool shower. Also she devotes much attention to her skin moisturizing and let it have a refreshment of makeup. Monica opts for light-textured beauty aids and often uses refreshing face spray.
Monica Bellucci prefers not very bright makeup. She uses a little of makeup foundation, accentuates her beautiful Italian eyes, adds some glitter to her lips or applies lipstick, then Monica powders and rouges and that is it, her makeup is ready! Moreover Monica Bellucci admits that she is a great fan of so called “naked” face, thus natural beauty rocks! 
Monica Bellucci’s Hot Body Secret 
Basically Monica Bellucci prefers to practise yoga and swimming, meanwhile she does nothing unwillingly, so everything is made to her heart’s content. She doesn’t stick to any diet, Monica prefers healthy eating.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Marriage Compatibility

I am very excited about this post after so many of the others!! Because everyone loves to know about their relationships and friendships and partnerships, and how to make it better. I like that fact about astrology because I think that is what the Chinese zodiac is about. It helps you to make your life better by finding out what you are your good qualities, and find your bad qualities so you can improve them. It is like an astrological magnifying glass!! ;-)

Chinese Wedding Dates by the Lunar Almanac
Each lunar year is 12-month long and there are 29 days in each month. Every 30 months, an “extra” lunar month is added to balance the lunar almanac. Hence, that particular lunar year, which is also called a leap year, will have 13 months. A leap year is viewed as a lucky year to get married.

Li Chun, the first day of Spring, normally falls on February 4th on the Solar Calendar. The lunar year is considered a “bright” year if the Chinese New Year occurs before February 4th as it encompasses the Li Chun. A lunar New Year that happens after February 4th and ends before the following February 4th is referred to as a “blind” year or “widow” year as it doesn’t have Li Chun. The lunar years that do not have Li Chun in the start of the year, but include Li Chun at the end of the year, meaning the end of the year occurs after February 4th, are not considered as “blind” or “widow” years.

The best time to get married is during the lunar leap years as it has two occasions of Li Chun in the 13-month duration, overlapping two February 4th at the beginning and the end of the year.

Weddings are usually not recommended on “blind” years, such as during lunar years that are particularly short, which usually come before a lunar leap year – they do not have any Li Chun during the beginning nor the end.

Auspicious years to wed are in the order below:
  1. Double “Bright” Years (most desirable): Has 2 February 4ths, one at the beginning and one at the end of the year
  2. “Bright” Years (desirable): Lunar year start before February 4th
  3. Late “Bright” Years (less desirable): Lunar year start after February 4th but end after February 4th

Once the year to wed has been decided by a couple, they can narrow down the dates according to the season and the week of each month, based on their lunar signs.



The Boar’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
30 January 1911 to 17 February 1912 / Metal
16 February 1923 to 4 February 1924 / Water
4 February 1935 to 23 January 1936 / Wood
22 January 1947 to 9 February 1948 / Fire
8 February 1959 to 27 January 1960 / Earth
27 January 1971 to 15 January 1972 / Metal
13 February 1983 to 1 February 1984 / Water
31 January 1995 to 18 February 1996 / Wood
18 February 2007 to 6 February 2008 / Fire
5 February 2019 – 24 January 2020 / Earth
23 January 2031 – 10 February 2032 / Metal

Within the Chinese astrology, the Boar, or the Pig, is the last sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Boar is parallel to that of Scorpio.

The Boar sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Autumn, 23 October to 21 November, and 2 segments of the day, 9PM to 11PM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Boar sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the North-Northwest and fixed element is Water.

The Personality of the Boar
A common perception people have of Boars is that they tend to associate them with the animal itself that is being lazy, dirty and negligent but in many cases, this is not true.

The Boar is in fact honest, kind, determined, understanding and forgiving. Usually a peacemaker, he will do his best to pacify confrontations and bring people together. A believer of universal harmony, he will not hold resentment against others even when he is involved in the confrontation or is taken advantage of, and is almost never spiteful. This is due to his forgiving and tolerant nature, as well as his adherence to law and justice. The Boar does not like hypocrisy or sneakiness, and doesn’t like to create schism. When given a task, he will strive to complete and see it through, keeping his words and reliability.

A natural conversationalist, the Boar is a popular personality and usually speaks in a direct and truthful manner. He enjoys being in the company of others and socialising as well as being present at events, parties and gatherings. A great organizer of events, the Boar usually is the first to initiate contact and build rapport, he is able to maintain long-lasting and beneficial relationships with other people and is loyal, be it to other people or to his responsibilities. The Boar has a “don’t give up” attitude and his endurance to matters is unquestionable, is usually dependable in lending a helping hand when at a function, especially one which involves his club or society.

Due to the Boar’s kind, personable and generous nature, he is usually exploited and taken advantage of. Gullible and naïve, he can rarely identify deception as he easily puts his trusts on others and believes everything that they say. He will not admit that his trust has been compromised until years later, choosing to rather remain in denial, and he can sometimes be patronizing. It is hard for the Boar to decline anyone, and therefore, people run to him when they are in need. He will sympathise with you, listen to your problems and will not tell you that you are wrong, trying to not upset you even further. The Boar will help himself to all that you have without hesitation, and if you point it out to him, it will hurt him as he feels that whatever he has can be shared and feels the same way about your possessions.

The Boar is hard working but will play just as hard too and knows how to indulge. He pursues pleasure and materials, which may work against him, as he strives to satisfy his pursuits and gives in to his negative traits. He will spend his money freely in indulging on food, holidays, wine, luxuries and other activities therefore it is no surprise that the Boar and his money are easily sepaRated. However, his determination and passion can make him a successful and wealthy businessman should he pour his heart and soul into it. He will not hesitate to share his fortune or success through footing the bill, giving what he can, and unselfishly sharing whatever he has. His over-generous and hopeful attitude may instead work against him and be the source to most of his problems. If he is able to contain his urges, he will have fewer setbacks in life.

Another characteristic of the Boar is that he is excellent at fund-raising and works best when the work is done for others. He strongly advocates humanitarian causes as he seeks to expose himself to a variety of people and is most happy to be of service to others. Giving up his personal time is no issue, and his conscientious nature coupled with integrity makes him a favourite amongst colleagues and employers. He has a good sense of humour, enjoys entertaining and pleasing others, which again makes him a favourable character amongst others. He is able to recover quickly from setbacks and has the strength and determination to carry on although he likes to look at things on a short-term basis. He can be stubborn when he has his views set on things and rarely will change his mind. He may have numerous romances but when he settles down, he will remain loyal.

The female Boar is known to either be immaculate or very untidy and you can rarely find any that are in-between. Honest and devoted, she will do all that she can, focusing her energies to the needs of the family and almost never asking for anything in return. She will remain in the background, spoil and unwaveringly love her husband and children. She is open and friendly, caring and conscientious, and carries an aura of contentment around with her.

The Boar is more suited to those who are of the Rabbit, Dog, Tiger, and Goat signs.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011



The Dog’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Element
10 February 1910 to 29 January 1911 / Metal
28 January 1922 to 15 February 1923 / Water
14 February 1934 to 3 February 1935 / Wood
2 February 1946 to 21 January 1947 / Fire
18 February 1958 to 7 February 1959 / Earth
6 February 1970 to 26 January 1971 / Metal
25 January 1982 to 12 February 1983 / Water
10 February 1994 to 30 January 1995 / Wood
29 January 2006 to 17 February 2007 / Fire
16 February 2018 to 4 February 2019 / Earth
3 February 2030 to 22 January 2031 / Metal

The Dog is known to be loyal and steadfast. In the Chinese astrological system, the Dog is the penultimate of the 12 signs in the cycle. When compared to the Western astrological system, the Dog’s zodiac equivalent is the balanced Libra.

The Dog is most active in the late evening, between 7PM and 9PM. With the Chinese astrological system, parallels can be drawn to the twilight setting of the Dog’s most active hours, since the Chinese system considers autumn as the Dog’s strong season.

According to Western astrology, the Tiger’s most dominant period of the year is between 23 September and 22 October, with the balanced Libra as the corresponding sign. The Dog’s fixed element is metal, and belongs to the masculine yang stem.

The Personality of the Dog
Out of the 12 signs in the Chinese zodiac system, the Dog is perhaps the most charming and likable. The Dog is characterised by its love for the intellectual, and for the value they place on fairness and being straightforward. Objective even when it comes to evaluating himself, the Dog is an excellent judge of character, and easily forms accurate impressions of people in a short time.

Famed for his loyalty, this noble characteristic is demonstrated by the way in which he will always come to a person’s rescue, no matter how much the Dog will complain, scold or pretend not to care. The humanitarian Dog simply cannot ignore a call for help. This loyalty sometimes presents as a shortcoming, particularly when the Dog stands by people no matter how unworthy they may appear to be. However, it will mean that for those who care, they will find a loving and protective companion and partner in the Dog, and someone who will not desert them easily.

Although truthful and possessing a sharp tongue, the Dog rarely directs his anger at anyone, if at all. His angry outbursts are unpredictable but short-lived, and the Dog does not hold a grudge. However, those who are the recipients of the Dog’s anger should take note – the Dog’s anger may not necessarily be misplaced and usually arises from a substantial, deeper reason.

The Dog is not shy about expressing himself and when it comes to the causes of justice, the Dog is very serious about upholding morality and any self-imposed responsibilities. In general, the Dog always feels that he should be of service to others. This makes the Dog particularly well suited to careers such as those in medicine, education, social services or the legal profession.

He can also easily influence people in positions of power, thereby putting him in the positions of having resources he wants. Thus, although they may appear to be materialistic given their careers and success, in fact the Dog cares little for wealth. When it comes to finances, the main goal of the Dog is financial stability to support their loved ones, or to spend on the occasional luxury. When the Dog has extreme wealth, whether it is self-generated or inherited, they can become a spendthrift. The Dog will not however, become arrogant especially if the wealth is self-generated, and they will never shun their family or fail to be humble. Loyalty therefore, really is the Dog’s prevailing trait – criticising the Dog’s family or loved ones will only result in the Dog shunning or attacking you.

Given the Dog’s non-materialistic outlook, they can stoically endure times of hardship and deprivation. In such times, the Dog’s protective and humanitarian streak may also be activated, to push them to make the world a better place for everyone to live in.

Although amiable and friendly, the Dog is prefers quiet gatherings, or a simple meal with friends rather than attending events where small talk is required. Thus the Dog may sometimes be criticised for lacking desire for fame and authority. Whilst the Dog may shun such events, they have no trouble being the centre of attention when required, since the Dog generally has a bank of amusing stories and anecdotes to draw from. It is for this reason, as well as the Dog’s integrity, warmth, charisma and ability to analyse people quickly, that sees the trusted Dog invited back to many a party.

The fact that the Dog is respected for his sense of duty is useful when they are required to announce news. Those who have a tendency for the dramatics will find themselves subdued by the Dog’s stable nature.

While optimistic on the surface, the Dog is by nature a pessimist and unnecessary worrier. Although the Dog’s worries are self-induced, there are times when the Dog’s worries and predictions come true, thereby reinforcing the Dog’s belief that it is okay to worry.

Enduringly beautiful, female Dogs are known for being loyal, thoughtful, capable, intelligent and thrifty. They are also extremely ambitious and thus have a tendency to be impatient when things do not work out. The female Dog is protective of her partner and brood, but will still allow them the independence and freedom to express themselves, and make their own decisions without too much interference.

Dogs born at night are known to be more aggressive and sensitive than those born during the Day. In cases like these, it would probably be best for the Dog to be paired with those from the same Triangle of Affinity, namely the Horse and Tiger, as well as the Rabbit. Other stable pairings may arise from a relationship with the Rat, Ox, Monkey, Snake as well as another Dog. Being so stable in their personalities, Dogs should avoid pairings with the colourful Dragon, imaginative Goat as well as the candid Rooster. The easy-going Dog would also do well to avoid a pairing with the complaining Sheep.

Sunday, 15 May 2011



The Rooster’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
22 January 1909 to 9 February 1910 / Earth
8 February 1921 to 27 January 1922 / Metal
26 January 1933 to 13 February 1934 / Water
13 February 1945 to 1 February 1946 / Wood
31 January 1957 to 17 February 1958 / Fire
17 February 1969 to 5 February 1970 / Earth
5 February 1981 to 24 January 1982 / Metal
23 January 1993 to 9 February 1994 / Water
9 February 2005 to 28 January 2006 / Wood
3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012 / Metal
22 January 2023 – 9 February 2024 / Water

Within the Chinese astrology, the Rooster, or the Cock, is the tenth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Rooster is parallel to that of Virgo.

The Rooster sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Autumn, 22 August to 22 September, and 2 segments of the day, 5PM to 7PM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Rooster sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the West and fixed element is Metal.

The Personality of the Rooster
Possible the loudest and most cocky of all the signs, Roosters think of themselves as great heroes and will be the most easily noticeable in a crowd. Roosters are most commonly defined by their outlandish ways of talking, the imposing personalities and their highly meticulous, perfectionist nature.

Known for being very talkative, the rooster always has something to crow and cluck about. Combined with his forthrightness and huge penchant for detail, the Rooster is likely to be critical and judgmental, to a point of being just plain mean. He will peck you to the ground to prove a point and enjoys a big debate, just so he can ruffle his feathers and show everyone how he can win in the cock-fight.

The Rooster – attractive and entertaining – also knows that he is intelligent and more than capable. He loves to be the centre of attention because it gives him the opportunity to shine and show off all that he knows and can do. Roosters will be extravagant when it comes to fashion and will not hesitate to spend lavishly on their clothes. Outward appearances are very important to roosters – from what they wear, to the accessories they carry, to the way their homes are decorated. Roosters will also tend towards doing things that can earn them a name or some sort of recognition like an award or a trophy. They like to be credited for what they have to show and give the world! People do like to listen and watch him because he is amusing, funny and witty – and he knows it. This means that he will take every opportunity to tell you all about his many accomplishments, skills and successes. He’s mastered this art so well that he excels in all forms of communication, particularly written and spoken.

This also means however, that the Rooster will be unrelenting when it comes to him making a point or proving himself right. He has little care for who he might offend or upset, as dive bombs into you, just to make sure you hear and see him, acknowledge what he has to say and even convert your ways of thinking to suit his. The Rooster is completely adverse to criticism – be very careful what you say around him. He can be highly sensitive and will lash back out until you retract, retreat and conform to his views. He makes a terrible diplomat, lacking any sense of tact, care or sensitivity. If you don’t, and if you’ve ruffled his feathers, the Rooster is more than capable of going to all means to ruin an enemy. Don’t understand the power of the Rooster. He may just look small and handsome, but his beak alone can do plenty of damage. It would do him good to understand that while he has excellent advice and knowledge to share – and that yes, he can is right – he must learn to deliver in ways more palatable to others so they can more readily accept whatever he has to say.

At his worst, he will become intolerably egoistic and opinionated. He has a very high opinion of himself and will have no qualms about putting someone else down so they know their place. The Rooster will always believe that he is completely right and that everyone else is wrong. This showiness however, may be more an act to convince themselves than others. His cocky attitude is perhaps more a way of assuaging their own insecurities than to intentionally offend others. He therefore loves all forms of flattery and praise, to assure himself though there may always be a little part of him that won’t believe it.

The Rooster can tend to be a little eccentric in his ways, even controversial. You shouldn’t take him – or his sharp tongue – to heart though. It could just be an exercise in mental stimulation for him or an occasion for him to preen again! Actually, deep at heart, the Rooster is a big old softie, old-fashioned, holds a very high moral ground and fiercely loyal. You’d be fortunate to have a Rooster in your family for he will do anything for them – so long as they agree to give him all the limelight! Strong support for the Rooster – either in family or friends – is good for him, giving him much of the confidence that he may actually be lacking deep down. A little cheerleading would do a Rooster very much good and bring out the best in him.

His bark will always be worse than his bite, and though he has the strength and stamina to peck you to death, his heart is soft enough not to actually follow through with his nasty threats and vicious words. He may be tough as nails on the outside, but when he knows he’s done wrong, he will try to make it up to you and if he knows you need his help, he’ll be the first one there – just don’t expect an overt apology because he’ll never concede to being wrong or having failed.

Now, if you have any trouble dealing with finances, the Rooster will be the best person to call on. Known for being exceptionally adept with handling money, the Rooster loves to count pennies, plan budgets down to the last cent and handle finances. He knows precisely what to do with money and will be calculative and meticulous to a point of obsession that will frustrate and madden everyone else around them. The Rooster will know precisely how to get a messy spreadsheet and your chaotic financial history back into order – he thrives on it; he’ll even willingly lose sleep on it for a few nights, just to make sure everything is perfect.

That’s the other thing about the Rooster. He has an uncanny eye for detail and is worryingly efficiently – in fact, if there’s something he needs to be done, he will nag you incessantly until you do it, exactly as he has intended. They are so precise in their plans and ideas for doing things that it is almost scientific; they have to learn to be more realistic in planning the execution of their ideas and to take into consideration basic human errors and the fact that other people cannot work the way they do.

Because of how capable and energy they are, Roosters will find success at a young age but they need to learn how to live and work in moderation, not raising the bar so high above their heads that they cannot actually reach it. Roosters can tend to over-estimate their own limitations, being prone to setting very high expectations for themselves and become overambitious in what they set out to do. In turn, they become disappointed if their huge and lofty dreams cannot be realised and frustrated when others cannot do things to their standards. They need to be careful that their want of perfection doesn’t turn on them and become their downfall as they sit there obsessing over the smallest, insignificant details. Again, while they’re flapping their wings and trying to fly high, they need to realise that they are actually most suited and comfortable when they’re grounded here on earth.

Still, the Rooster is unlikely to stay down. Always one to be the hero, he’ll just brush himself off, set the next big goal and set off to accomplish it. Trying to reason with a Rooster will be pointless – he’ll never back down so you either let him prove it to you, or agree to disagree. This can also mean that Roosters have a tendency to be very temperamental and moody – they can swing from highs to lows at the snap of a finger and you never know when they’ll swing back up again.

They are very good at tracking details, forming lists and making sure they’re ticked off. They are also reliable – you would be hard pressed to find a better person than the Rooster to accomplish an important job. In fact, he flourishes in a difficult assignment. He will also see it through until the end and even if it was you who first instructed him on the assignment, he will end up being the one chiding you for errors and nagging you to get things done for him.

Once you get past the self-assured cockiness and his almost offensive pomp, the Rooster can be depended on for his sincerity in helping you to get things done. He has good intentions and while he can come across as being overly arrogant and pushy, it is only because he feels that his way will be the best way to help a situation. He will do everything in his power to fulfill whatever he has promised you and not stop until every “I” has been dotted and every “t” crossed. You may find him annoying and horrible to live with; but you’ll also find that life will be just that little bit more difficult without him.

With their boundless energy, Roosters will also be an asset to any group or organisation for they will carry their responsibilities through efficiently and with zeal. A particular characteristic of Roosters is their uncanny ability to find success even in the most mundane situations. They excel in whatever they do, no matter how small. They would succeed if they set up their own businesses, for example, because their sharp and inquisitive eye will not allow for failure.

Female Roosters – or Hens – are more grounded but she is just as efficient, if not more so, and can be very strongly relied on to get the job done. She’ll also go about it in a much more cooperative way, without offending as many people as the Rooster would. You’ll be amazed at how much energy she has to see things through and what a brisk, tireless worker she can be once she’s been set to task. She’ll deliver more than you asked for, ahead of time and even with a little signed note and a box of chocolate. A Hen is probably one of the most helpful of the signs that you’ll find. She absolutely loves to be useful and will throw herself wholeheartedly into any endeavor. She has a huge amount of energy which she wants to use productive. She does best when she’s busy and would rather collapse from working too much than be bored for even a moment.

While she does also like attention and can be outspoken, she also does not mind just pitching in with the rest of the barn and working as a group. She likes routine and works well with carefully plotted schedules. Also a stickler for detail and very precise, the Hen will be exceptionally good in work like proofreading, managing statistics or accounts or research. She will make endless lists; and lists of lists. She takes notes on everything and remembers exactly where she has put even the smallest scrap of paper. Because of this meticulousness and care to see things through, she excels as a leader, making sure things run efficiently, to schedule and with no stone left unturned. She especially enjoys organising things, right down to the minutest detail, and it is not unlike a Hen to take on all the responsibilities of a project, for fear that no one else can do it as well as her.

The Hen’s love of perfection will also extend beyond her checklist of things to do and her spreadsheets, and to people. No matter how well you think you’re doing, she’ll be right behind you to point out something you missed or remind you of what you still have to do. Don’t take offence – it isn’t that she’s trying to find fault in what you’re doing but because she just wants the job done exactly and perfectly. She will want to have the last word and can be extremely long-winded in making her point. If she’s feeling crochety about something or has a bee in a bonnet, you better sit yourself down with a big cup of tea and listen to her get it all off her chest – it could take a while. Once it’s all out though, the Hen – like all in the Chicken family – are very soft and unlikely to hold grudges. It’s rare that a Rooster or Hen will have anyone they really hate.

The Hen will also try to create perfection in people. She can be highly critical and look like she is nitpicking your flaws but she is only doing this because she cares – she can’t bear to see that you’re not doing your level best or making mistakes that hold you back, and she will do everything she can to make you change that. This fastidiousness will also mean that you can be assured that she always has your back. She’ll be the first to extend her hand to help you up, offer a kind word of encouragement and give you advice, even if you never asked for it.

Whether he does make it big in life, or succeed only on an ordinary level in life, the Rooster will never cease to be passionate in life and a hard, tireless, energetic worker. His stamina alone is incredible. Combined with the unmissable qualities of being brightly-colored, controversial, outspoken and deeply committed, the Rooster’s flair will most definitely provoke a reaction in you – you’ll either be completely in love with him or hate the very ground he walks on.

Friday, 13 May 2011



The Monkey’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
2 February 1908 to 21 January 1909 / Earth
20 February 1920 to 7 February 1921 / Metal
6 February 1932 to 25 January 1933 / Water
25 January 1944 to 12 February 1945 / Wood
12 February 1956 to 30 January 1957 / Fire
30 January 1968 to 16 February 1969 / Earth
16 February 1980 to 4 February 1981 / Metal
4 February 1992 to 22 January 1993 / Water
22 January 2004 to 8 February 2005 / Wood
8 February 2016 – 27 January 2017 / Fire
26 January 2028 – 12 January 2029 / Earth

Within the Chinese astrology, the Monkey is the ninth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Monkey is parallel to that of Leo.

The Monkey sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Summer, 22 July to 21 August, and 2 segments of the day, 3PM to 5PM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Monkey sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the West-Southwest and fixed element is Metal.

The Personality of the Monkey
Intelligent, bright, quick-witted and charming, the Monkey finds it impossible to sit still and is easily bored. The Monkey is said to be the cleverest creature of the Chinese Zodiac, and he knows it. The resourceful Monkey loves problem solving and does it well, often thinking out of the box and adapts easily to changing environments. He learns quickly and is also good at languages. The Monkey is also adept at making money and gaining respect.

The nature of the Monkey is his insatiable curiosity. He is curious about anything and everything. However, once his curiosity is sated, he gets bored and moves on. He will always be happy to brainstorm on ideas and concepts but if implementation is slow, the Monkey may not always have perseverance to see a project through. This curiosity also means he finds it difficult to sit still in one place. He loves to travel and see new things and needs to be constantly stimulated otherwise he will lose interest. This constant need for stimulation also means that the Monkey is easily distracted and thus may not accomplish as much as he could.

The Monkey is also mischievous and gives in easily to temptation, often able to use his street smarts to justify anything. Watch out for this trait in the Monkey because even though he never intends to harm, his desire for his own enjoyment may supersede any care for others. It is this cheeky and devil-may-care behaviour that is sometimes what makes him so attractive.

A social animal, the Monkey loves to be with people, and is warm, charming and persuasive. He usually has many friends and is a great entertainer. With his quick mind and attractive personality, he usually wins people over to his point of view very easily. Even if you do not agree with him, you will find it difficult to dislike the Monkey. The Monkey is always endearing, even when you realise that you’re being manipulated!

On the negative side, the Monkey’s intelligence can cross the line to being crafty, deceitful and dishonest if there is an opportunity to make money or win at something. Although the Monkey is a master manipulator, he is smart enough to know when he is on the losing end of a situation and will extract himself from that situation as quickly as possible and sometimes at any cost. This strong survival instinct usually keeps the Monkey looking after his own interests. Therefore, if you ever want to persuade a Monkey to look after your interests, supply him with facts that clearly show him the benefits for himself.

The Monkey is supremely confident even though some Monkeys can hide that behind a demure exterior. This confidence can backfire into a superiority complex where he thinks he knows better than others and hence does not listen to advice well. Insults and criticism also seldom offend him. It is not that he rejects criticism but he truly thinks that you simply must be mistaken since he is the paragon of perfection. He will listen to logic though so once you are able to convince him of a different approach, he will apply his intelligence to immediately fix things.

His easily inflatable ego, if uncontrolled, makes the Monkey very self-centred. This self-centredness is not necessarily negative because often, it is more like a fascination with himself as opposed to wanting to have things for himself. He is constantly amazed at his own genius and if he learns a new trick, he will practice it until he perfects it or gets bored. The Monkey is easily preoccupied with something to the extent of being fixated with it – for as long as his attention span can be held – which is usually not very long. This preoccupation with an activity may seem like selfishness as the Monkey would be completely focused on the task at hand to the exclusion of all else.

The Monkey also likes to win and usually does, but when there’s competition, jealousy can sometimes rear its ugly head although he may never reveal it, so the Monkey needs to learn to rejoice for others.

Financially, the Monkey is good at calculating and would think through any business proposition to ensure that it is financially sound. It’s not that he’s very materialistic but he loves the indulgences in life and having many different interests and hobbies can also be expensive.

With his intellect and charming personality, the Monkey usually gets what he wants with minimum effort. However, Monkeys can work hard but if you want him to be on your team, you have to make sure he gets his just rewards as some Monkeys can be mercenary. Professionally, Monkeys would excel in public relations or be successful lawyers, diplomats, teachers, actors and writers.

The female Monkey is intelligent, well-groomed and well-spoken. She is a born diplomat and rarely makes any social faux pas. Socially, she is an excellent hostess and can grace any social event, whether an elegant soiree or a rowdy nightclub. This happy-go-lucky lady loves the limelight and can be a good entertainer.

She is independent, a good judge of character and can have high expectations. If you work for a Monkey, you had better make sure you deliver what you promise because she can be critical and she will hold you to your word.

The Monkey is a great friend to have and you will never have a dull moment. Harness his intelligence and resourcefulness and you will have an indispensable member of your team. Once he can conquer his need for constant external stimuli, and can focus on the work at hand, his results will speak for themselves. Make him use his skillfulness as a master manipulator for good and the sky’s the limit for what the Monkey can do.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011



The Goat’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Element
13 February 1907 – 1 February 1908 / Fire
1 February 1919 – 19 February 1920 / Earth
17 February 1931 – 5 February 1932 / Metal
5 February 1943 – 24 January 1944 / Water
9 February 1967 – 29 January 1968 / Fire
28 January 1979 – 15 February 1980 / Earth
15 February 1991 – 3 February 1992 / Metal
1 February 2003 – 21 January 2004 / Water
19 February 2015 – 7 February 2016 / Wood

Within the Chinese astrology, the Goat, or the Sheep, is the eighth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the goat is parallel to that of Cancer.

The Goat sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Summer, 22 July to 21 July, and 2 segments of the day, 1PM to 3PM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Goat sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the South-Southwest and fixed element is Fire.

The Personality of the Goat
The Goat is very meek and easily gives in to people. They have a very soft personality and is easily overcome by emotion. They are also very understanding and very tolerant of others. They like children and animals and can be very temperamental at times. Goats are very determined and tend to respond passionately when threatened despite their appearances. The Goat is very kind hearted and readily offers his assistance to those who need it, and in turn they too get an abundance of material needs. The Goat knows when to push and pull but when tested they can pack a punch beneath that wooly exterior.

It is very hard to get the Goat to express itself and you will probably have to get them to speak bit by bit on what is bothering them. They are very temperamental and moody but will readily shower affection on their object of affection. Goats are also very much family oriented and will never forget special dates of their loved ones. They will also be equally upset if you forgot about their special dates. Goats tend to be pessimists and they worry a lot but can also be dramatic at the same time. They will also be quite spendthrift will spend like there is no tomorrow. It could also prove advantage for the Goat to have a bossy person around them to govern them who will protect them against people who will take advantage of them.

The Female Goat is very inclined to dainty things and everything else that come with those. They are rarely on time and act like princesses. They are also very keen on personal hygiene and has very good fashion sense. She will be very good at designing and will be very scatter brained but will be able to get the job done. She will also show her affection and favoritism openly towards people she cares about and will like to flirt around and be “open” about it. She is also quite mysterious in a sense that she makes you guess what her responses mean.

Goats are basically romantics and will easily fall for things like candlelight dinners and such. People born under this sign will have the uncanny ability to turn weaknesses into strengths. They are masters of the soft skill and will be able to get the things they want by hinting. As such, they often get what they want easily and easily talk you into giving them what they want. Goats are better followers than leaders due to their kind and soft nature. They will also tend to overindulge their loved ones or family members. On the other side, they can be very difficult to deal with as they are often hypersensitive and will often give in to self-pity as well as emotional ups and downs.
The Goat likes being recognized and appreciated and should work in the creative field where they can excel. They should also be given space to allow them to maneuver freely and they have excellent tastes. Unless the Goat is born during the time of the day where the Dragon, Snake or Tiger rule, they should never govern as they are usually unable to make decisions as they are very passive by nature.

Goats will not need to work hard for a living, as they will get the things they want around them easily. They’re also very peculiar about their surroundings as in being particularly sensitive to ugly things around them. In life, they will also need strong and loyal people to lean and rely on. Horses, Boars and Tigers will complement their personalities well. Rabbits would make a closer match and the Monkey, Dragon, Rooster, Snake or another Goat would do as well.

The Goat will not thrive well with Rats, who dislike their spendthrift ways and the stern Ox and the practical Dog who will not be patient enough to be with them as they will not be able to put up with the Goat’s constant whining and complaints about life.

Monday, 9 May 2011



The Horse’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
25 January 1906 to 12 February 1907 / Fire
11 February 1918 to 31 January 1919 / Earth
30 January 1930 to 16 February 1931 / Metal
15 February 1942 to 4 February 1943 / Water
3 February 1954 to 23 February 1955 / Wood
21 January 1966 to 8 February 1967 / Fire
7 February 1978 to 27 January 1979 / Earth
27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991 / Metal
12 February 2002 to 31 January 2003 / Water
31 January 2014 – 18 February 2015 / Wood
17 February 2026 – 5 February 2027 / Fire

Within the Chinese astrology, the Horse is the seventh sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Horse is parallel to that of Gemini.

The Horse sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Summer, 21 May to 21 June, and 2 segments of the day, 7AM to 9AM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Horse sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the South and fixed element is Fire.

The Personality of the Horse
Much like the wildly-spirited Black Beauties of classic literature and legends, Horses are strong, free-spirited characters who will always be masters of their own fate. Known for their unpredictable natures, Horses have very versatile natures and can often act rashly or are easily hot-tempered.

Because the Horse has a very independent nature, he may leave home at an early age. Or, he will already begin to express his adventurous side very early on by starting work young or beginning his career before their peers. The Horse is always full of energy and always acting on impulses. He will not conform to what is considered normal – even the way he dresses will be extra gaudy, loud and bright to garner attention. They can be extravagant, in the way of being likely to stretch the truth a little, ad lib and oversell – they don’t see it as anything wrong, just as an expression of their creative imagination.

Horses have very strong charisma and dominant, commanding personalities; they could even be considered aggressive. They aren’t likely to stop to listen for advice, galloping head-first into leading whatever they have already decided on. They are very quick in the way they think and respond to situations. They are open-minded, flexible, able to make fast decisions in the moment and find it much easier to handle difficult situations than other signs. They have a very keen and astute ability to assess people, and a high emotional quotient that can size up and manipulate situations or people to their advantage. Horses are also very intuitive, tuning into the subtlest changes in groups or situations that no one else will notice. They act very much from mere “gut feelings” and are amazingly deft in improvising and shape-shifting to suit changing situations. This makes them very good in devising new, promotional ideas and can often be very creative in their approach to problem-solving. Horses will never take no for an answer, never be beaten down by a rejection. They never dwell on mistakes – they just bounce right back to action and head straight for the next, exciting activity.

The Horse cannot sit still for any amount of time. They need to be constantly given new challenges and stimulus. Because of their constant on-the-go action and literal, physical speed, horses are more likely than other sides to suffer from conditions like hypertension or insomnia.

People are often charmed by the Horse’s positive, happy and confident attitude. The Horse has a very persuasive personality too and is able to enroll people easily to his beliefs and get them to do what he wants. This gives the Horse an extra edge in both business and love. Horses are not fussed about security. They are willing to take risks, will seldom heed warnings to be prudent and even if they do meet with blunders, it isn’t enough to stop them even for a moment.

As they love physical exercise as much as mental stimulation, Horses are also very physically active, with a love for outdoor adventure, sports and fondness for animals. Generally, people find them very warm and attractive, and they carry a raw and earthy sex appeal. As impetuous as they are though, Horses are likely to fall out of love as quickly as they fall in love, especially if they act from their heart instead of their head. A Horse is also likely to have many affairs that end abruptly and unhappily, and susceptible to several marriages or divorces. It would be better for a Horse to wait until they are older and more settled before deciding to get married.

This spontaneous nature of the Horse has its downside. It means that he can be very impulsive and stubborn, as well as hot-tempered. A horse will be known for his tantrums and while he may not pay much heed to them, he may well leave much damage and hurt in his trail that cannot be easily forgotten. This will be his Achilles heel, losing him a lot of respect and credibility in the eyes of those around him.

Also, while the horse himself thinks and acts very quickly and is able to adapt to situations very swiftly, he becomes very impatient if others cannot perform as well or as fast as he can. He will begin to push people, not taking their needs or feelings into consideration. They are very clear about their goals – in the long and short term – but may trample on many along the path of reaching that goal. They can be very demanding of others but will not be willing to sacrifice anything on their side that may threaten their freedom. Brash and single-minded in their drive to meet their goals, they will forget the most basic codes of courtesy and will have to frequently and gently reminded to mind their Ps and Qs. It is not that they set out to offend others but they will unknowingly upset people because of their impatience obstinate ways and unwillingness to wait for others to catch up to their speed and activity.

The Horse is a very hard worker though and will go at something for as long as it takes… or as long as his interest is sustained. They are single-minded about achieving success; failure is not an option for the Horse.

Financially, the Horse is unlikely to have any serious difficulty. They are not greatly concerned with acquiring wealth, but if they do have to handle it, they are able to manage their finances well enough to succeed.

The swiftness with which he changes his mind or course of action will also mean that he may quickly lose interest and get bored easily. He is likely to take up many different activities, jobs or projects that he may never complete; or get swept up in current trends that will wear off once something else more exciting comes along. It is therefore only when the during his middle age, that the horse will begin to take responsibility – this will then usher in the best part of his life.

The Horse is also easy-going however and isn’t one to bear a grudge. He only becomes upset if he fails to get his way after many attempts. If you share his same life goals for happiness and freedom, he will never get in your way; he is rarely jealous of or selfish towards others. Probably the only thing he is possessive about is his freedom, time, and relationship with others. This, he stands very firmly on: the Horse must have his freedom, act on his own accord and passionately resents being bound down rules and regulations.

Outwardly, Female horses seem sweet and soft, but they are as tough and quick-witted as their male counterparts. She is always on her feet, nimble, fast, intelligent and will excel in any number of things… all at the same time. Multi-tasking is second nature to the female horse; even her moments of relaxation and “play” would be physically draining for everyone else. She is perpetually on the go, always on the lookout for the next exciting challenge – the very idea of rest or staying in one place for long periods of time does not appeal to her. The way to win a female Horse’s heart is not to keep her locked down but to let her run as and when she likes. This is not her being unfaithful; she needs the constant activity.

It is said that of all the elements, the Fire Horse is the most volatile; the spontaneity and passion of the horse is multiplied many, many times over in this fiery sign – these are people born in either 1966, or in the next Fire Horse cycle in 2026. Fire Horses are anticipated to wreck havoc wherever they go, destroying everything in their path as they charge forward. In the olden days, female Fire Horses were considered unlucky to a family because it was expected that her wild nature would ruin the life of any man she is married off to. Male Fire Horses however, are not always as unlucky or destructive; some may even turn that passionate nature around to bring great credibility to himself and achieve great success. Examples of Fire Horses include King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, Otto Preminger, Leonid Brezhnev and Aristotle Onassis.

Horses are best paired with Tigers, Dogs or Sheep. Following that, the Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Rabbit, Boar, Rooster or another Horse will match well with the Horse. They will not get along well with Oxes who need stability and consistency; nor with Rats who will not be able to tolerate the Horse’s constant shifts.

Sunday, 8 May 2011



The Snake’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Element
4 February 1905 to 24 January 1906 / Wood
23 January 1917 to 10 February 1918 / Fire
10 February 1929 to 29 January 1930 / Earth
27 January 1941 to 14 February 1942 / Metal
14 February 1953 to 2 February 1954 / Water
2 February 1965 to 20 January 1966 / Wood
18 February 1977 to 6 February 1978 / Fire
6 February 1989 to 26 January 1990 / Earth
24 January 2001 to 11 February 2002 / Metal
10 February 2013 – 30 January 2014 / Water
29 January 2025 – 16 February 2026 / Wood

Within the Chinese astrology, the Snake is the sixth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Snake is parallel to that of Taurus.

The Snake sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Spring, 20 April to 20 May, and 2 segments of the day, 9AM to 11AM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Snake sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the South-Southwest and fixed element is Fire.

The Personality of the Snake
The snake, endowed with natural wisdom is a deepest thinker and loves to reflect. They are usually adept in the areas of philosophy, finance and politics. They love all fine things in life such as good books, food, music and theatre. Many beautiful women and powerful men are born under this sign.

The snake tends to trust his own instincts and rely on his own judgment. He can be very religious or even psychic but does not communicate well with others.

For all his sophistication, he is highly superstitious. An intense personality, he will choose to settle scores consciously and unconsciously in everything he does while he is still alive and will not leave unsettle scores behind after his death.

A person born under this sign usually do not have to worry about money problem. He either has the money or knows how to get it. A snake should not gamble as luck is usually not on his side in this area.

However, a snake is a fast learner. Should he tries and fails, he will not allow it to happen again. Snakes are prudent and shrewd in business. The ambitious snake strives for control through power and authority. Money to him is just a means to an end.

Although skeptical by nature, he keeps his suspicions to himself. He is eloquent, well dressed and has impeccable manners and can be quite generous with money. He is a very private person and keeps many secrets to himself. He does not like small talk or any sort frivolities. He can be ruthless when he wants to achieve a certain objective and will not think twice about getting rid of anyone who stands in his way. Nevertheless in spite of all, he does have a sense of humor even under the most extreme conditions.

Snakes are very cautious about what they say. They will take the time to assess situations and think things through before formulating their views.

He is very demanding and possessive in his relationship with others. Deep down inside he does not trust anyone completely. He is anal about people keep their word and would not forgive anyone who breaks their promise to him. Where his pet fears are concerned, he can be prone to paranoia.

His hatred can be intense when his anger is provoked. His resentment is silent and deep which is usually not explicitly expressed. He can patiently wait for years to crush his enemies and take his revenge.

The female snake is seductively beautiful, cool and serene. Although not always a raving beauty, when the way she looks, her personality and attitude is put together, the total effect is magic. Although, she gives the impression being laid back, she high industrious and her mind is never at rest.

Both sexes of snakes tend to have good complexion. They are more susceptible to the ailments of the digestive and nervous system from containing stress internally.

The female snake loves classical and well cut clothes. She has extremely fine taste in jewelry and would rather go without it if she can’t get the real thing. She knows how to dress in a way that makes her alluring and irresistible. She has high standards for her mate. She loves the power and influence that comes with money. Whether she earns it or marry for it, she will get it one way or another.

A snake wife will be the most powerful asset to any man. She will do whatever it takes to make him a success if he is not one already. A snake woman never feels inferior to men. She knows how to use her talents to achieve her objectives. She does not waste time lamenting over what could have been but instead do what it takes to achieve her goals. She is a tough opponent when challenged and will have no qualms in destroying those who cross her path.

Under the Snake’s calm exterior, he is always on guard and one can never know their true feelings. He can be evasive and elusive if he wants to. He has the wisdom to plan his moves ahead of time and has the tenacity to maintain his position until the end. He has great ability for negotiation and can make a fine politician.

Snake people are reputed to have roving eyes and well known as passionate lovers. However, their passion extends to anything they undertake whether it is a business deal or a lover. They usually have great craving for power and limelight. Once they attain it, they will hold on to it ever so strongly.

A snake can be a pillar of strength due to his presence of mind. He can handle good and bad news with equanimity. His responsible trait, his sense of purpose together with his charisma can bring him to reach the pinnacle of power.

Matters of the heart are important to the snake. He will have many romances before he finally settles down. He will find particularly suitable mates in Rooster, Ox, Rabbit and Dragon.



The Dragon’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
16 February 1904 to 3 February 1905 / Wood
3 February 1916 to 22 January 1917 / Fire
23 January 1928 to 9 February 1929 / Earth
8 February 1940 to 26 January 1941 / Metal
27 January 1952 to 13 February 1953 / Water
13 February 1964 to 1 February 1965 / Wood
31 January 1976 to 17 February 1977 / Fire
17February 1988 to 5 February 1989 / Earth
5 February 2000 to January 2001 / Metal
23 January 2012 – 9 February 2013 / Water
10 February 2024 – 28 January 2025 / Wood

Within the Chinese astrology, the Dragon is the fifth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Dragon is parallel to that of Aries.

The Dragon sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Spring, 21 March to 19 April, and 2 segments of the day, 7AM to 9AM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Dragon sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the East-Southeast and fixed element is Wood.

The Personality of the Dragon
The Dragon is the most mystical animal in the horoscope. In Asian culture, the dragon has always been synonymous with power, good fortune and majestic strength. It is also the iconic symbol of grandeur and royalty.

To this day, many people believe that those born in the year of the dragon are especially lucky. There is an old Chinese saying that a family that has three dragons will enjoy good fortune. Thus, it is not surprising to find that in Asia, people will look forward to welcoming dragon babies into their families.

The dragon is beautiful, colourful and flamboyant. Hence, the dragon’s pride is as legendary as its good fortune. It’s a well-known fact that this sign is blessed with much luck.

The divine sign is a powerful mix of irrepressible energy, confidence, sheer determination and extreme ambitions. Gifted with high intelligence, the dragon can sniff out an opportunity from a mile, and will not hesitate to take full advantage of it. Their quest for self-sufficiency means that they will have no trouble working long hours, even missing out on social events. Their desire to succeed and persistence will definitely aid them in reaching the top of their professions. However, this may isolate them from their friends and family, as they tend to devote themselves tirelessly to realizing their goals. Some dragons may even prefer to stay single all their lives. If they do choose to marry, however, they might marry at a young age.

The dragon does set himself a high standard of achievement and living. Whatever the dragon does is always done in style and on a grand scale. One might even be tempted to say that the dragon is most comfortable when surrounded by luxury and comfort. It is not unusual to find that the dragon basking in publicity, or being in the center of attention from a young age. The dragon’s outgoing nature and stunning appearance will attract many admirers and friends. Dragons will always have a willing audience wherever he/she goes.

Dragons will not hesitate in speaking their minds. They are very direct to the point of being blunt. Sometimes this can get them in trouble, but they will make amends once they realizes that they have hurt someone. Trust is a huge issue with dragons. They can be unforgiving and merciless when their trust is broken. It takes an eternity for them to forget.

In essence, the dragons are free spirits. They do not look too kindly on petty rules and conformation. They prefer heed their own counsel rather than listen to someone else’s advice. They do not like being tied down and appreciate that ability to pick up and go anywhere, anytime. They will not waste their time over household chores, although they are known to be tidy and neat. They prefer to do the things they enjoy, especially travelling. They like adventure and exploration. So, they will most likely opt for the road less travelled, and the destination not flooded by tourists.

Money matters a great deal to the dragons. Financial security provides them with the “golden passport” to go as they please and do what they like. Being self-reliant is very important to dragons. Therefore, they may tend to invest less time in bonding with families and friends. This independent streak is as evident in the lady dragons, if not more. Hence, you may find dragons burning the midnight oils at the office, rather than dating over romantic candle lit dinners. Lady dragons are very practical, liberated and she knows what she wants out of her life and will work relentlessly to achieve her goals. Do not under-estimate her. The brilliance of her mind can build empires or launch a thousand ships.



The Rabbit’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
29 January 1903 – 15 February 1904 / Water
14 February 1915 – 2 February 1916 / Wood
2 February 1927 – 22 January 1928 / Fire
19 February 1939 – 7 February 1940 / Earth
6 February 1951 – 26 January 1952 / Metal
25 January 1963 – 12 February 1964 / Water
11 February 1975 – 30 January 1976 / Wood
29 January 1987 – 16 February 1988 / Fire
16 February 1999 – 4 February 2000 / Earth
3 February 2011 – 22 January 2012 / Metal
22 January 2023 – 9 February 2024 / Water

Within the Chinese astrology, the Rabbit, or the Hare, is the fourth sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Rabbit is parallel to that of Pisces. 

The Rabbit sign is denoted by a feminine or the yin sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Spring, 20 February to 20 March, and 2 segments of the day, 5AM to 7AM. 

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Rabbit sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the East and fixed element is Wood.

The Personality of the Rabbit
There are many traits of a Rabbit which people envy. In the Chinese tradition, it is considered very lucky and auspicious to be born in the year of the Rabbit. They believe that this Lunar Sign signifies long life.
The Rabbit is intelligent, well-mannered and very diplomatic. This is due to the gracious and elegant nature of the Rabbit, who would hold his tongue even when matters displease him. The Rabbit knows when to speak and is very thorough, quiet and efficient worker. 

Although he likes to be on good terms with everyone, people will find it impossible to know what the Rabbit is truly thinking behind his or her pleasant demeanors. This plays to the Rabbit’s advantage in negotiation, of which is his strength. 

This strength supports a Rabbit to be very astute in business and monetary matters. He handles situation and activities with utmost care and caution, and coupled with the ability to constantly strike lucky in business – he will see himself rise the corporate ladders’ fast. If not so, he will still remain business savvy. 

This innate advantage will allow the Rabbit to obtain and maintain the luxuries in life. The Rabbit is a creature of comfort and places great importance on the house: furnishing, maintaining and fitting it with comforts. In this sense, the Rabbit may be considered to be rather self-indulgent. 

To the Rabbit’s loved ones, he will be loving and tender. To those whom the rabbit considers as outsiders, he can be ruthless. Especially when the Rabbit learns that someone is threatening his interests. 

The Rabbit enjoys being involved in good discussions and will seldom use harsh or vulgar words to make a point. Instead you will be sure to see the Rabbit being around company who appreciate the Rabbit’s witty sense of humour and well-groomed appearance. 

Despite people’s perception of the Rabbit, the Rabbit is never in a hurry to get anywhere. They are in control of themselves and will know when they need to take a rest, when they need to push themselves. Practical and methodical, you will not find the Rabbit without a thorough plan in mind or at hand for every challenge. They make good strategists and planners.  

Meticulous and always in control, things rarely escapes the Rabbit’s observation. The Rabbits are the ones who would likely take note of the all the things that the rest of us had not noticed. This same trait is translated into the way the Rabbits groom themselves as well. They do take great care in their appearance and attire. It is not unusual to find them smartly draped in elegant. This is perhaps why Rabbits are also never short of admirers. Although, Rabbits are generally pleasant and friendly, they may not always be warm and are apt to mood swings.

The Rabbit is known to be very blessed with good luck. They have an uncanny ability to be at the right place and at the right time more often than not. This trait helps the Rabbit to survive in any environment and situation. Security is of utmost importance to this hare sign. They will leap away from conflicts if they can help it. In essence, the Rabbit is a lover of survival and harmony. They will look for ways to maintain their beloved habitat, and to extend their longevity. 

Saturday, 7 May 2011



The Tiger’s Lunar Year according to the Western Calendar / Elements
8 February 1902 to 28 January 1903 / Water
26 January 1914 to 13 February 1915 / Wood
13 February 1926 to 1 February 1927 / Fire
31 January 1938 to 18 February 1939 / Earth
17 February 1950 to 5 February 1951 / Metal
5 February 1962 to 24 January 1963 / Water
23 January 1974 to 10 February 1975 / Wood
9 February 1986 to 28 January 1987 / Fire
28 January 1998 to 15 February 1999 / Earth
14 February 2010 – 2 February 2011 / Metal
1 February 2022 – 21 January 2023 / Water

Within the Chinese astrology, the Tiger is the third sign out of 12 animals in the cycle. In comparison with the Western Astrology, the Tiger is parallel to that of Aquarius.

The Tiger sign is denoted by a masculine or the yang sign.

It rules 1 month in the season of Winter, 21 January to 19 February, and 2 segments of the day, 3AM to 5AM.

People who are born within that segment of the day are considered to have the Tiger sign as their ascendant.

Its direction is the East-Northeast and fixed element is Wood.

The Personality of the Tiger
Across cultures, the Tiger is the symbol for power, passion and courage. Known to be natural leaders, the Tiger is a commanding individual who holds the respect of everyone. The Tiger is both fearless and fearsome, and a fiery fighter against the three main household dangers of fire, thieves and ghosts.

Thus to have a Tiger in your midst is a fortunate occurrence, provided you are prepared for the restless and dynamic nature of such a person. Tigers are known to be adaptable and impulsive, which together with their rebellious and unpredictable nature, make them always ready for action.

Leaders in their field, Tigers can sometimes be stubborn and obstinate, and have a tendency to rebel, especially against any form of petty authority. They are known to be open and honest, and hold a strong dislike for hypocrisy or bureaucracy. They are blunt and direct, especially when they are upset – they have no qualms about speaking their mind, a quality that can sometimes lead a Tiger into a conflict with others. A Tiger is never one to shrink from an argument or avoid standing up for what they believe is right; as with everything they do, a Tiger will commit themselves whole-heartedly to their endeavours.

Their forthrightness can resemble quick-temperedness, but it also means the Tiger is very sincere. Known to be affectionate and generous, Tigers have humanitarian instincts. Their firm views, and strong sense of right and wrong leads them to protect and defend the powerless and weak. Thus Tigers make excellent mothers – their independent nature means their children are given the freedom to explore, whilst their protective and teaching nature means their children will be well brought up and want for nothing.

In fact, children love the expressive Tiger because they are very generous with their emotions and gifts. However, those under a Tiger’s charge are somehow never spoiled – as equally quick as they are to enforce the rules, Tigers are also equally quick to reward good behaviour, especially when children mind their manners.

Their vivacious nature is contagious, as is their love of life. Indifference is not known to the Tiger’s vocabulary, and the passionate Tiger will arouse every sort of emotion in a person. With this passion, they leap at any challenge, and will rise to the top of any role they are given. Self-confident and independent, Tigers like to be responsible for no one but themselves, and prefer to attribute their achievements as being a result of their own efforts – they will avoid asking for help if at all possible.

Being independent and adventurous, Tigers rarely stay in the same place for long. In their more free-spirited young lives, a Tiger will be perfectly happy living on a shoestring budget, trying their hand at several different jobs in the pursuance of their interests and passion. Their impulsive nature sometimes leads them to make decisions they later regret, and if a Tiger were to think things through, they would almost certainly enjoy a greater degree of success. However, the Tiger is usually fortunate in their enterprises, and so their trust in their own luck and charisma drives them towards success.

With their energy and enthusiasm to succeed, a Tiger is not bound by the societal dictates – they will use any means necessary, even if it means an open rebellion against authority or what is considered conventional behaviour. They are alert and quick-witted, and highly original thinkers ever-ready to scheme new methods of achieving their goals. Despite their flouting of the rules, their audacity inspires awe, and onlookers often find themselves erring on the side of the Tiger, silently cheering them on and celebrating in their success.

When things do not work out as hoped, Tigers have a tendency to withdraw and suffer from bouts of depression which take time to recover from – their lives are full of ups and downs, but Tigers never stay down for long. During those down periods, a dejected Tiger needs sincere sympathy. In such cases, attempts to convince them about the rights and wrongs of their situation will not succeed. Instead, the focus should be on comforting the Tiger – if the roles were reverse, the warm and sensitive Tiger would not hesitate to give you unrelenting care twice as much as you are capable of providing.

The Tiger will appreciate words of advice and wisdom but will not necessarily follow them. Do no take it personally because this is simply the Tiger’s nature. In their periods of down, a Tiger needs someone to lend an ear while they talk themselves out of their dejected state. However, with their never-say-die attitude, Tigers do not stay down for long. Once they bounce back, a Tiger will thank you sincerely and generously for your help, and then probably do the one thing they had intended to do in the first place.

Possessing a sizeable ego, a Tiger is sensitive to criticism. A hurt Tiger is not to be crossed - money, power and fame mean nothing to a Tiger who is bent on revenge and will not hesitate to take on any enemy. It is this rashness that present one of the main shortcomings to a Tiger’s life. The ironic thing is that despite the Tiger’s self-confidence, they can sometimes be indecisive. Combined with the Tiger’s rashness, it means the Tiger appears impulsive, often making major decisions at the very last minute.

Captivating and expressive, Tigers hate being ignored and love being in the centre of attention. Together with their brilliant sense of humour, the lively and witty Tiger makes an excellent host at parties. With their persuasive speech, they are known for their ability to sway a crowd. They take great care over their appearance and reputation, carrying themselves with an air of dignity and authority. Do not be fooled however, by a Tiger’s articulate and disarming appearance – they may be keeping their claws hidden for the perfect time to pounce.

Given their bountiful energy, a Tiger is best in their youth when they are absorbed by their pursuit of their dreams. However, this is a time when they should learn to control their emotions, which they are prone to expressing quite explosively. Doing so will bolster their chances of later success, when level-headedness will help them to make more rational decisions. In their old age, a Tiger can enjoy life undisturbed, provided they learn to relax, and give up their regrets about what they have or have not accomplished.